View Full Version : Anxiety and so much more

08-09-12, 19:27
I have suffered from anxiety since I was 15 (I am now 30) and at the time was in a number of stressful situations. I was prescribed a low dose of anti-depressant by the GP and I was able to cope with panic attacks and general anxiety. I moved out when I was 22 into my own home alone and at the time I thought I was ready. After 6 months at the property I caught flu and had a very difficult (maybe traumatic) relapse of my anxiety condition. I left a longing/want to be at 'home' and find comfort which I felt when I lived at home with my mother. The problem was in the six months since I had moved out my mum had relocated to another house and although I went to stay with her for a week, I did not feel the comfort or home feeling which I had before. I spent about a month crying and desperatly wanting to move back home. Although with the advise of friends and family I didn't return home as I would have lost my accomodation and also with the realisation that being there did not make me feel any better. Now when I relapse I get this feeling of not being able to find comfort anywhere.

Nine months ago I met an amazing man who has worked with me through some issues and has basically been staying with me for the last 4 months, which is what I wanted. Early last month my boyfriend lied to me about where he was going in a failed attempt not to hurt my feelings and I found out. This brought back anxiety and with it the lack of appetite and difficulty sleeping. Normally after a period of relapse my appetite will return in the following weeks and things become stable again. I was starting to feel better in the evenings and was eating dinner. The lie is not an issue now, we have worked through this. I was managing it and decided to make appointments with my counsellor to try and talk about the issues. In a session in the middle of August, we talked again about my feelings of living in the flat and that it did not feel like home. At this session I was very upset and crying lots and felt as though this was the key for my underlying issues. After the session I felt a small sense of relief but from the next day things have got worse. I began to become distressed and my lack of appetite went to non exsistent and sleeping only 4/5 hours a night. I was still working in the uni holiday, but as I couldn't cope I had to finish a week early. Following this I became emotionally numb and havent been able to cry or feel happiness for a number of weeks now.

I know I have low self esteem, anxiety and some periods of depression. I am currently on 150mg sertraline and the doctors only advice is to up it if I want to. I have missed out on my holiday as I was too unwell to travel and was concerned about being ill 6 hours away from 'home' as I know I can shut the door and be ill here, even if I don't want to be here.

Has anyone else had these feelings about not being able to feel comfort? Am I depressed? The lack of appetite and sleep is getting to me now and I am only eating milkshakes during the day and trying to force a meal at night. I am smoking way too much. Has anyone else had the emotional numbness? Has it gone, do I need to up my antidepressants? I feel completley lost!!

08-09-12, 19:38
I am really sorry you are feeling so low at the moment. The emotional numbness is a very common feeling with anxiety, it is depersonalisation. It is not a nice feeling at all. I don't know if you have had any counselling or Cognitive behaviour therapy. Mention it to your gp and he will be able to refer you. I am the same at the moment and do not feel like eating anything, I have to force myself to eat something. I have overcome it before and can do it again and so can you. Get your doctors advise on uping your antidepressents. I usually up my tablets when I get worse but speak to my doctor first. I hope you start to feel better soon. You might like to try Bach rescue remedy, it is natural and can be bought from most chemists and also sold on this site. :hugs:

08-09-12, 19:45
Annie, Many Thanks for your reply. I have looked up depersonalisation but I suffer from none of the other symptoms other than emotional numbness. The doctor's advice is it is up to me!! I have been having counselling for a year now and am continuing to go, but also wondered what happened the other week which brought on this horrible emotional numbness. I was offered CBT last year but they refused to let me start as I was having counselling as well. I just wanna fell a bit more normal!!

08-09-12, 19:57
I know what you mean...I look at other people and see them going about their lives happily and thinking I wish i was like that! I am having counselling and CBT at the same time. Sometimes while you are going through the counselling the anxiety can get worse for a while because you are 'letting everything out' You sound like you have a lot going on in your life at the moment as well. When I start to feel worse I try to do something to distract myself. When you don't feel like eating just eat small amounts more often. sending you hugs :hugs::hugs: