View Full Version : Are you supposed to tell travel insurers if you have anxiety?

08-09-12, 19:41
So today we booked a holiday to Ibiza! :yesyes:

When we were in the travel agent's shop, eventually the conversation turned to travel insurance. The woman asked if any of us have any pre-existing medical conditions. I wasn't sure what to say, so I just stared blankly, until my sister looked at me and shook her head so then I said "No".

Am I supposed to disclose it though? The holiday isn't until July next year so obviously I'm hoping my anxiety problems would've cleared up by then. Even today, I'd be confident enough to travel abroad as I feel a lot better than I did before I started receiving treatment. I am on medication and I'll shortly be starting a group CBT course.

08-09-12, 19:53
I would leave it until nearer the time then decide if you need to disclose it or not.

08-09-12, 19:59
I have it listed as a medical condition on my insurance, it didn't make a big difference to the cost as it has never stopped me from travelling before but if it did I would be covered.

oh no_1
08-09-12, 22:09
i never know if i should disclose this as no one knows i have anx and depress like family etc..... do u disclose this if u got a new job etc?

08-09-12, 22:30
If holiday insurers know about any pre-existing conditions they won't pay out if that condition leads to you cancelling/curtailing your holiday.

08-09-12, 22:41
They will pay out if you have told them but if you have not told them and they find out it is a pre existing condition they won't pay out

09-09-12, 11:28
This happened to me, and I lost a lot of money!!
Because if you cancel because it is pre existing they wont pay out they get intouch with your doctor.

09-09-12, 12:07
My husband has heart problems and we have always declared it on insurance. Last summer he was ill and we had to cancel but because we had declared it and paid extra to cover it we got all our money back.

09-09-12, 12:11
Its better to declare it for any insurance, and job applications etc.. not doing this can mean the insurance is void, and they can use it as an excuse not to pay out, so better safe than sorry. I don't imagine they will treat anxiety as a major illness like a heart condition etc... anyway

09-09-12, 12:14
You are right Mike they don't. My husbands insurance is always much higher than mine because of his heart problems. I always declare my anxiety but it doesn't make much difference to the cost for me.

09-09-12, 14:16
Thanks for your advice. I was scared to mention it in the travel agent's shop and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to mention it or not. There is a website where you can declare pre-existing medical conditions and have them added to your policy, so I'll have a look at that. At least then I won't have to talk to anyone about it!

little scientist
10-09-12, 10:01
I have always declared it, I think honest is the best policy! At least if you declare it, you know you are covered :)

10-09-12, 18:09
The main reason I was scared was because I didn't want to announce it in the shop in front of all the staff and other customers; I'm not so bothered about whether it would cost more to declare it. As it is, the only people who know about my issues are my mother, my step-dad, my sisters, my nieces and of course my doctor and my manager at work.

10-09-12, 18:11
I did mine over the phone..