View Full Version : Anxiety is depressing me!

08-09-12, 20:22
I suffer really bad from social anxiety and the only time i feel conpletely relaxed is when i am in the comfort of my own home. Although i sometimes feel anxious at home too. Basically i went to the doctors away last year and they referred me for CBT. As this is on the NHS i am still waiting for the CBT. I have very low self esteem i have very self conscious and i am really depressed with my life. I really want to go to the doctor but i get so embarrased telling them that i cant face it. I really am struggling with this and i think medication may help untill i have my CBT. They did prescibe beta blockers at one point but these did not do a thing for me. I would appreciate any advice as anxiety is ruining my life.

08-09-12, 20:30
Go to your doctors it is nothing to be embarrassed about..the doctor will see lots of people who suffer from anxiety. My doctors are really understanding and even let me in the back door if I can't cope with the waiting room! CBT is very good and will help you.

08-09-12, 20:41
CBT can be really good though if you are still waiting perhaps seeing your doctor again could help speed up your referral?

I'm very much the same in that my home is my 'safe-place' and i prefer to be here either on my own or just with my husband (and cat!). I don't take any medications to help with anxiety at the moment (i did take citalopram but came off this a year ago) instead i'm trying to go natural and i find that Bach's Rescue Remedy (sold in boots, supermarkets and on here) helps calm me when i'm feeling really panicky.


08-09-12, 20:44
Bach rescue remedy is really good and bach rescue night spray is great for bedtime :)

09-09-12, 20:16
Thank you for your replies to my post. I do need to go to the doctors definately, i need to stop putting it off. They honestly dont know how hard it is for me. Every day is a struggle. I dont think they quite understand because i am able to work full time. Work is a struggle some days but i have worked there for many years and i am ''comfortable'' with most people there. I have never heard of Bach remedy but i will look it up. Thanks again. Take care both of you,

11-09-12, 19:14
had a terrible day today, this is really getting me down. I dont know what i want from this website to be honest but i have been told i may find help or comfort from speaking to other people with similar problems

11-09-12, 19:18
Have you made an appointment to go to your doctors? It does help to talk to others who are going through the same thing as with anxiety you feel so alone and a lot of people don't understand how bad it can be, but on here we can understand each other sending you :hugs:

11-09-12, 19:23
No not yet. I just keep putting it off i wish i could go i know i need to. I hope CBT works for me, I will try and get an appointment asap at the doctors but i just dont know where to start. yes its good to talk to people who understand what you mean and are going through the same thing. Thanks very much. How have you been? :D

11-09-12, 19:26
I haven't be too good today but I am worrying because I have a sickness review at work tomorrow.

13-09-12, 15:06
hey hope ur ok, how did your review go xx

16-09-12, 21:32
Well my appointment for my first CBT session as finally arrived. Problem is i am going to have to tell my boss now which i am terrified of doing as the thought of people knowing about my anxiety issues makes me sooo embarrased and ashamed. I have also been told to go too far away from home for my appointment, it means getting too buses a journey total of about 1 and a half hoirs and i HATE public transport as my anxiety is at a ten in these situations! I am going to phone tomorrow and ask if they can make it at my local health centre instead or as close to home as possible. Does anyone know if they will do this for me. I just know i couldnt suffer that journey xx

16-09-12, 21:50
My sickness review went quite well but they have now referred me to the Occupational therapist. That is a long way to go for your appointment. I was offered to go to the main centre for my CBT or to the doctors surgery or they also offered video link so I think it would be worth you asking. :hugs:

18-09-12, 13:18
Im glad it went well for You Annie0904. How are you feeling abot the occupational therapy then. Well i was at physiotherapy today, had a panic attack on the way there i felt terrible and i just broke down when she asked me how i was. I told her i dont feel able to go this far for cbt and she said get a taxi then. Yeah because thats going to help! Not! So i dont know what to do now.