View Full Version : I have no idea how to relax!

Cats make it better
08-09-12, 20:35
Help! I have never been able to relax... I have severe health anxiety and I work in the health field. So I pretty much feel keyed up all the time. The problem is that I cannot relax. I come home thinking about work and then a dream about work. My anxiety levels are slowing growing and I feel like if I could just relax they would subside a little.

I have tried listening to music, taking a bath, walking, exercise, breathing exercises, reading, etc. Nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

09-09-12, 00:50
Have you tried laughter yoga? I feel really great after a good laugh. See if there is a group in your area. You will probably feel a bit silly at first, but if you keep at it, you will feel better. I've been doing it for 2 1/2 years and it's changed my life.

19-09-12, 22:44
there are a few things i do to turn the volume down anxiety wise... Dr stuarts Tranquility is an amazing herbal tea that really helps.. but when things are really bad,.. add Bach's rescue remedy (really works, but i triple the dose) to the tea, and maybe some herbal valerian extract (is herbal valium, but very safe..)

I add all of this to the same cup of tea, and within 20 mins i am feeling the difference.

hope this helps.

19-09-12, 22:56
My husband says that I also have this problem - I find it incredibly hard to do nothing at all. Even when watching TV I have to be doing something else, e.g. reading, using the computer (I'm doing it now!)

The last few days I have re-discovered a hobby that I am finding at least partially relaxing though: crafting. I've made a few Christmas cards and done some cross-stitching, and I have actually found myself feeling more relaxed, and happier, during those times, I think because I have to think about e.g. where I'm putting the needle so I can't think about anxious thoughts, however I don't have to concentrate on it so much that I tire myself out by transferring my obsessive thinking to something else if that makes sense.