View Full Version : Why do i feel worse at night time?

08-09-12, 21:43
Well not really night time, more evening time, later on in the day..

During the day i feel ok, but often when it's around dinner time i get a knot in my stomach, sick to stomach feeling, i feel spacey and dizzy, little nauseous, overal nervous feeling etc. Just don't feel right.

When i'm in bed at night i feel normal again, and in the morning i always feel fine.

It also seems like i feel worse after eating a meal?
help please^

08-09-12, 21:51
I'm just like this too. At meal times my stomach seems unwilling to accept food, so I only eat a little of my meal, and nearly always panic if I occasionally do feel hungry and eat everything on my plate. This is particularly bad at the moment as I'm in a high anxious state because of my dad being unwell in hospital.

I also always feel worst in the evenings - from around 8pm onwards I go downhill, so I try to go to bed where I can sleep as soon as I'm ready to get away from the anxiety. I think evenings and night times are worst because our bodies are at the lowest energy levels, after a day of activity, so the energy it takes to worry and feel anxious is a real effort to dredge up.

09-09-12, 15:07
yes, i try to go to bed earlier too when i feel anxiety. Lower energy levels does make sense. I do eat good. Sometimes i just randomly get foggy headed and a weird stomach feeling..doesnt last too long but still annoying. i think maybe i have a food intolerance or somethin..maybe i should try gluten-free

09-09-12, 23:16
I find night time and early morning to be pure hell. If I manage to get to sleep without having massive anxiety or panic attack then usually I wake with it. I can't remember the last time I felt rested and not tired. It's amazing the physical effects our mind can manifest in our bodies.

10-09-12, 00:59
i feel the exact same! i always feel the need to lie down in the evening if im just like sat in the frontroom or something and i seem to be ok in the morning and just have funny spells during the day. i also feel worse after eating. sometimes its not just dizziness my heart feels weird. so scary. :( x

10-09-12, 08:20
I agree, I have no idea why either, for me its an isolation feeling I think and tiredness, also tends to be even worse in the mornings xx

12-09-12, 12:31
Jessie me too i think maybe when u wake up your mind is rested and then during the day anxiety can built up.. sry to hear some of you feel worse in mornings.