View Full Version : angry and upset

08-09-12, 22:03
I have been feeling down for months now and I've been getting so upset with myself that I just get very angry and I even smashed my ipad which I only got two months ago because I was so angry. I don't know how to control my angry and everytime I get angry I just get very upset and can't stop crying for hours. I hate myself for it and end up hurting myself to take my mind off it. I just don't know what to do anymore ... :weep:

09-09-12, 11:31
Hi Mea,
I was like you some months ago. I went to GP. I was nervous about telling her. But I did. Perhaps you could get help from GP,you cannot go on like this:hugs:

09-09-12, 11:43
Hi magic,
Ive already been to my GP and he put my sadness down to living away from home. He put me on antidepressants but they only seem to have made my anger worse. I am moving back to university in a week or two so maybe I should go back then, I just feel like I'm a nuisance to everyone in my life :(