View Full Version : GP and psychologist reffered me to a cousellor instead? Feeling dismissed??

08-09-12, 23:15
So i have been told by my gp that instead of seeing my psychologist ( of whom i have to stop seeing soon because when i turn 18 i am no longer a child apparently) i need to see a counsellor.

I told my gp that i keep getting reuccuring intrusive thoughts and negative thoughts based around death of loved ones or me doing something to myself. He said that it was all apart of anxiety and that when i get back into college all the thoughts will go because i will be busy.

Day 1 of college, i enjoyed it but i am already being harassed by bullies for literally no apparent reason. I now dnt want to go back to my classes.

I am managing to do things without my anxiety getting to me which is AMAZING. But my moods are so horrible?!

I am freaking out about turning 18 next month, i am scared i will be stuck in a on/off depressive state and NO ONE SEEMS TO BE TAKING ME SERIOUSLY. The thoughts aren't going, i am getting more irritated by the day and arghhh i just want to scream.

What do i do?!?!

---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

Can anyone answer me?

08-09-12, 23:37
Sounds like the psychologist is a child psychologist, so you should be able to get a referral to an adult psychologist.

09-09-12, 01:05
Bullies are weak people who pick on vulnerable people to make themselves feel better.
It may be hard, but try to let them see you are not upset by their behaviour and they will eventually get bored and go away. Seeing a counsellor might a good thing, give it a go, they will listen and refer you to a psychologist if you need to.
Turning 18 is a scary prospect, but you'll find it's not a big deal when it happens, things will just click over into a new part of your life. Get yourself along to that counsellor and get talking.

~glowly worm~
09-09-12, 03:33
Hey little helper,

So sorry things are tough right now.

I too was bullied badly at school. I also had very bad anxiety disorders and faced the transition to adult from child services in the midst of it all. I could not have believed how my life would have turned out in the end though (15 years on) and although i won't bore you with my story now i want you to know that things can get better, please keep fighting, you can get through this, you have way too much going for you not to and NEVER let them make you think otherwise x

1) Have you got someone in college you feel close enough to tell about the bullying? Or a close friend or relative? Every college should have a clear anti-bullying policy- do you have access to one which tells you who to see about it or the policy for reporting bullying?

Nobody should be made to put up with bullying and you have come too far to let them get to you lovely. You are stronger than them!

2) Can you keep a diary of what they say/do to you and when? This can help when/if you feel able to report them and it can help you if you write in it how it made you feel.

So perhaps the first step regarding the bullying is to talk to someone about it?

3) Another thought- does your college/school have a counsellor there? I know mine did and it was possible to arrange a confidential appointment. If you have one she/he might be a good first place to go for support in dealing with those critters they call fellow students (the bullies).

Its late and my brain is mushy but i wanted to say something to let you know you are not alone, it can get better and i am thinking of you so much right now even though we don't know each other.

Regarding the anxiety it can sometimes be the case that intrusive thoughts similar to yours reduce when you are busy (distraction *can be* a great remedy). However it does sound like your GP is not explaining things properly to you or listening to your worries.

4) Could you go back and see them and perhaps tell them your concerns and frustrations- that you do not understand why you have to see a counsellor and would prefer a psychologist?

They should explain to you why they are referring you to counselling rather than psychology and definitely *why* you are having to switch therapists. I think catt is right, the counselling might be a big help- it certainly sounds like you need to offload but if you go and feel it doesn't help you can always switch GP's and ask for a referral to a psychologist.

5) There are also certain guidelines. I am not sure whether you have a diagnosis of anything specific (depression/ specific phobias/OCD or something else maybe?) but certain conditions have particular recommended therapies (ie; Cognitive behaviour therapy or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) and you have a right to access these, especially if the counselling doesn't help.

However it might be that the waiting list is so long for a psychologist that a counsellor is the first step in order to see if it helps you, thereby avoiding a long painful wait for services. Did the GP tell you how long you will have to wait? Sorry if this is confusing, do let us know if you have already thought of/tried these things so we can think of others.

6) You always have the right to change GP if you feel you are not being heard.

Feel free to PM me if it would help but no worries if you prefer not to. I might be slow to reply but i will x

Thinking of you lots

Glowly xxx

---------- Post added at 02:28 ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 ----------

p.s hope this doesnt get confused as offering medical advice- feel free to delete if it is too 'prescriptive' - I am not a medical professional x

p.p.s: the examples of diagnosis were just examples ;)

---------- Post added at 02:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ----------

p.p.s: hold on to this:

"I am managing to do things without my anxiety getting to me which is AMAZING." It shows your strength and that despite everything you are still achieving x

09-09-12, 21:59
Definitely try seeing a different Dr, my drs surgery has 10 Drs and only 3 are any good with anxiety and mental health problems. I was referred for counselling in 2009, had 8 sessions but I didn't feel I got anything out of it. When I asked to be referred again my nearest counsellor was based miles away and just the thought of travelling so far had me panicing so I didn't get rereferred.