View Full Version : Toxic Shock Syndrome

09-09-12, 00:15
I got bitten by an insect on Monday which has since been diagnosed as infected and it's also my time of the month.
I had some diarrhoea this morning and have been sweating this evening so have convinced myself I have TSS!
Dr google not a good idea, someone talk out me out of worrying myself stupid.

Lesley anne
09-09-12, 00:20
Hi there, this sounds like anxiety mixed with a wee infection. Keep the bite clean, have you antibiotics?? As they can upset ur stomach. Ditch the dr google, I've had to, it's not good for ur health!!! Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water to flush ur system. Take care!!!

09-09-12, 04:57
I assume you use tampons?
Well with TSS as its an infection you would have a high fever or be very sick.
Also being on your period and as well as when you're obvulation you can get a low grade fever, or an increase in feeling too warm and sweating.
Hormones also cause constipation and diarea too.
So it seems like you're just having normal period symptoms.