View Full Version : Anxiety yes?

09-09-12, 11:08
my name is simon and i have anxiety that has got worse and worse due to a few factors, it starte with the diagnosis of my mums cancer and prgresively got worse with some health issues ive had, as she got worse i got worse and in all this time i have gained a hiatus hernia and acid reflux etc etc and of course my anxiety has got worse.
the place im at at the moment is a horrible feeling in my esophagus what the doctors are calling either a globus type thing or burnnig due to reflux or indeed a motility disorder and as you can imagine its not comfrtable and makes the anxiety worse.
i just want to ble clear of all this stuff, can anyone help share some throat/esophagus issues due to anxiety as i feel its not a nice thing and to know im not alone would be good..

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 ----------

Thought I'd best add that I had and endoscopy in may so in theory I'm all clear and that's the view of the doctors and I've spent months not believing them so I'm trying to say to myself ok the doctors are right, that being the case what's this uncomfortable feeling in my throat/esophagus.
I do wish I knew or it would go away.
Till then I need to plod along.
Again if anyone can share some experiences of there own that would be cool. Thanks

09-09-12, 11:33
Irritation from reflux and tense muscles in the throat and neck can make swallowing really difficult, and both are quite common symptoms among anxiety sufferers. Unfortunately, even with anti-reflux or PPI drugs it may take some time to get better.
If your doc did an exam recently I wouldn't worry about it, unless new symptoms appear.
Best to you and your mum.

09-09-12, 11:34
I get really bad stomach acid i have to take pills for iv only had it since the anxiety started 7 weeks ago but i wake up every day feeling sick because of it then that just makes me feel bad all over then i start thinking iv got something mayjor wrong with me and il die soon but i also get stomach cramps and feel like my arms and legs are heavy all the time

09-09-12, 12:41
hi there thanks for the comments, mum died in april i believe and yes this is horrible.. im trying to believe its one of the abocve whether its a tensioning or a motility disorder or globus etc etc.
its a very uncomfortable feeling thats way down my throat in my chest that is doing my head in.
as said i have been to the doctors and they dont seem bothered by it as i had an endoscoy in april i believe so and nothing was spotted.
so all in all i should be clear but this is one horrible feeling but im doing my best to not dwell on it.
i was taking ppi drugs but they were not doing the job so ive been swapped over to h2 drugs for acid and they appear to be doing a better job at this poin as well as my AD and beta blockers.
the mechanics of my swallowing are not to bad with no pain when eating, just a twinge of pain every now and then as well as the feeling of the lump in my throat/esophagus. its just horrible living with this for whats about 5 weeks now with no real let up.
just want it gone realy i do.

09-09-12, 13:28
Stress has given me terrible Acid Reflux and an ulcer in my stomach , im an on 2 months of Omeprazole to try and heal it