View Full Version : Do you think I should see my doctor about my HA?

09-09-12, 17:26
My health anxiety is getting way out of hand again...last year my doctor sent me to see a councilor for it and she helped loads and for 8 months I was anxiety free until it crept back slowly into my life and I didn't even realise it...one night I was drawing and colouring in with sharpie pens, I accidentally put the pen in my mouth and I got ink on my tongue so I freaked out and washed it out quickly and then I was fine...and then the next night I accidently dropped the tip of the pen on my foot and it made a hole...and for days then I was worrying I got ink poisoning...and then in January it felt like I couldn't breath and that was it, ever since then ive had really bad anxiety...like last night I had to go the hospital because I thought I had a UTI or cystitis and I didn't they said it's something to do with my bowls so I have to go the doctors tomorrow for him to sort it out. After that ive been fine but earlier today I was baking cakes but the first mixture turned out horrible! but I kept trying bits..I chucked it in the bin and now I think I have E coli or salmonella :( and my mum said don't be silly it's only if you have lots and it's in raw egg not tiny bits of cake mixture. Ive had enough...so do you think I should speak to my doctor and discuss this with him? because im only 16...I shouldn't be having silly thoughts like these...:weep:

09-09-12, 17:36
Yes definitely - you need to be living at 16 not having these worries.