View Full Version : Food poisoning??

09-09-12, 18:28
Hi everyone! 2nd post in 2 days! Doh... This one is unrelated to my usual cancer fears. I just went to my dads house for dinner and he made pork. (well it was already cooked, he bought it and it had to be reheated). I'm always paranoid about these things and heat them for much longer than necessary just to make sure whereas my dad puts them in the oven for the minimum time possible and he knows how I get about these things but thinks I'm being paranoid. Tonight he plated up my pork, I sat down and took a smallish bite and thought "that's quite cold" and didn't really think much of it. But I took another bite and it was also cold. I spat it out and told him that the pork hadn't been heated for long enough. Do you think that small bit of pork I actually ate could give me food poisoning? I have total vomit phobia! He says that since it was already cooked when he bought it, it's fine because I only had a small mouthful and I need to stop being daft.

09-09-12, 18:33
I have the same phobia as you to a point I don't let anyone cook for me. If the pork was already cooked and the meat was white coloured then I doubt you have anything to worry about. Also don't forget that pork is not like chicken, you can eat pork rare.

Was it pork from one of the store counters like you get at Morrisons? (the already cooked meats bit)

09-09-12, 18:48
Thanks for the response. He got it from Lidl, think it was just in a sort of package. It was already cooked it just had to get heated up for a while in the oven. There was gravy on it so not sure what colour it was. Something ALWAYS happens like this when he makes dinner, but he just gets on and eats it!! Weirdo!!

09-09-12, 18:49
You will be fine if it was already pre-cooked.