View Full Version : Is my constant brain fog anxiety?

09-09-12, 21:04
Hi everyone, I was just wondering, is this anxiety?

I had really bad brain fog constantly since June when I had a really bad panic attack. Since then, basically I feel like I can't keep balanced, I'm weak, tired, light-headed, and I can't stay focused or concentrate. Sometimes I feel like the world around me isn't real or that I'm not real. I can barely can get out of bed by myself because I feel like I'm going to pass out or fall down. But this is constant all day every day, I never feel better from this, and I'm starting to worry about it.

By the way, I'm 18 years old. I had an MRI, EKG, echo, blood test, 24 hour heart monitor, x-ray of the chest, and I went to an ENT to check my ears for balance all in July, and everything came back fine. I haven't seen anyone for my anxiety yet but I am soon.

I also have other symptoms but this "out of it" or "brain fog" feeling is the worst of everything. Thanks so much.

10-09-12, 05:42
We can't really tell you if it's anxiety or not for definite, hardly any of us are medically trained! :) We can share our experiences though and with a lot of my anxiety/panic attacks my balance would go straight out the window. Brain fog and feeling out of it is common in anxiety, when I was at my worst I'd look in the mirror and not feel like I was really there, like I was having an out of body experience but not if you get me lol. I'd forget simple things and panic over "memory loss" but it's just because my mind is so preoccupied with my body and panicking over all the sensations it gets.

For a long time I was scared to get out of bed in case my legs didn't work again and I'd fall over or get dizzy and pass out, it never happened though, only with my bad anxiety attacks and I've slowly learnt to deal with them...ish! :)

You've had a lot of medical tests so I'm sure if there was anything wrong it would have been picked up. It's good you're going to see a professional about your anxiety, that's a huge leap forward for anxiety sufferer.

Good luck with seeing someone for your anxiety, I hope it helps you. Take care and feel better soon. x