View Full Version : Really panicy Lone for a week

09-09-12, 22:35
Hey guys I don't want to come across has a baby but my mum is going on holiday tomorrow for a week I will be alone
With my sister this will be my first time without her sinse I have had them so in really scared

09-09-12, 23:38
Hi Magners

I used to feel this way when I was younger but I have now gone the complete circle and love having the house to myself now although it is very rare.

First thing to remember is (Nothing bad is going to happen to you).

Most of us are alone at some point in our lives yet we remain safe.

If you feel anxious then ring a friend or distract yourself by going online and talking to people who can relate.

Try to change the negative feelings into something more positive by treating yourself to maybe a movie at home and some nice food.

Have friends round for tea.

Challenge yourself to being independent and enjoying your own company.

You'll be just fine. And you have us too.


10-09-12, 08:54
Thanks for your reply

10-09-12, 22:24
I'm alone now she left at 10am I feel really sad :(

10-09-12, 22:26
Awwwww. You need to release your inner Kevin Mcallister and try and enjoy being alone!!!

10-09-12, 22:29
I'm alone now she left at 10am I feel really sad :(


Rather then feeling sad just concentrate on keeping busy and the time will soon go.:)

A week usually flies by well it does at my age.:roflmao::roflmao:

Make time to find and enjoy your own company.

Hope all goes well,and remember you can always talk to people on here as well.


10-09-12, 22:42
Thanks for your support guys I really hope this week flys I'm just worryd what if something happens to me and she is in a foreign country

12-09-12, 02:06
Hey Magnerslol,

Am in the same boat as you! Have just recently moved to Australia from the UK and now my partner who is also my 'safe person' was sent to China for his job for 6 days. He went on Sunday morning and I felt really overwhelmed as soon as he closed the door. Now it's day 4 and I've just had a setback, had a panic attack on my way to work and went home at 10am, felt incredibly upset but on the positive side, it's become easier to be alone and I am learning a huge lesson here, it's really not healthy to rely 100% on one person for 100% of the time, the only person that will always be there for you is you so learning to be independent despite anxiety and the rest is a painful lesson but an invaluable one too, looks like we're both learning the hard way!

Take care and keep busy, time only goes forward so you will soon be reunited!

12-09-12, 02:39
It's normal since it's your first time to handle such obligation. Just relax and think straight.

12-09-12, 21:55
She will be back Monday
Seems like its taking for
Ever I'm worst at night