View Full Version : Anyone Else?

10-09-12, 01:12
Hey All
Whenever for some reason I get an upset stomach or feel nauseous I seem to have a panic attack or put myself into one, just wondering if anyone else goes through this?

10-09-12, 01:17
I think we all have a trigger and this may be yours that is all.

Mine is a swallowing problem

10-09-12, 07:42
Any changes in my physiology make me more anxious and prone to panic.
So I can relate to your triggers.

10-09-12, 08:09
I do, I think it is because I always feel nauseous when I am anxious any way so if ever I feel it will an illness it makes me panic more :hugs:

10-09-12, 08:59
i am the same, though over the years it has evolved into not just nausea as a trigger but any small change in how my body feels (any twine, ache, pain), this is largely due to unexpected appendicitis last year (i wasn't concerned about the pain, husband encouraged me to doctors, next thing i've having an operation) so now i am the opposite and worry too much!