View Full Version : Moving out

10-09-12, 02:48
I'm starting uni on Sunday really excited but I am so nervous and anxious about moving out and leaving my family for the first time. Im 19 at it seems like the "normal" thing to do but I can't eat or sleep with worrying about it. And I see everyone else really looking forward to it and I just feel so abnormal :(

Does anyone have any tips Or anything

10-09-12, 07:39
I am sure everyone else is just as nervous as you are about leaving home and starting a new life, outwardly, they may seem really cool calm and collected, but inside they will be just as anxious as you. No body will know you are nervous, you will not have a big sign above your head saying "I am anxious". I left home at 19 and the feeling of independence and freedom is wonderful.
In a couple of weeks time you will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

My son recently started college and he walked out during the enrollment process due to his anxiety, he is now a full time student and he loves it.

All the best.

10-09-12, 20:35
Thank you for taking the time to reply and help :)

10-09-12, 20:38
I have had 3 children leave home and go to university, they were all anxious especially my youngest who was physically sick a few days before because he was so anxious. As soon as they got there and met their flat mates they had a great time. They have all left now with degrees. It is a new chapter in your life and seems scary at the moment but you will soon settle in and enjoy it :)

11-09-12, 02:26
Thank you for your reply feeling a bit more at ease now, so thank you so much x

11-09-12, 11:34
Thinking of you :hugs:

11-09-12, 12:47
hope all goes well

12-09-12, 10:54

I remember this feeling so well! Just remember that the great thing about university is EVERYONE is in the same boat! Some people will respond to it better than others, and everyone comes to terms with this never level of independence at different times, but when it comes down to it, you're all there, all together, all feeling a bit shy and awkward and hoping to make friends. I found that a massive comfort when I went to uni (I was so far away from my home too).

So best advice I can think of is:
a) Remember everyone is in the same boat, and if you do feel a bit homesick or something, find someone to chat to about it, chances are they're feeling it too!
b) Keep busy! This won't be hard as there'll be so many fresher activities organised for you. Really throw yourself into it. Meeting new people makes me nervous but I accepted it was part and parcel of that first few weeks and the more times you are out doing things, the easier it gets. Worst thing you can do is sit in your room and think about home!

Have an amazing time! You'll be surprised how easy it is and how much fun you'll have :-) And remember, if you feel down or blue, we're always here to have a bit of a whinge to!

x x

17-09-12, 00:27
just moved i and finally on my own, miss my parents like mad and feeling super anxious. Ive been in tears on the phone loads of times to my mum. so not a great start to uni life just wanna go home tbh :(

17-09-12, 13:57
I think distraction is key. Has anyone else moved in down the hall from you yet? Maybe go and introduce yourself? Hang in there! It's a hard time and you should feel proud for taking the leap when you were this scared. Things will get easier xxx

17-09-12, 14:26
Meet as many people as you can, the more company you have the better you will feel, don't stay in your room alone. You will get through this - you just have to get through this first few days and you will be fine, buy some new stuff if that will make you feel better. You CAN do it :hugs: