View Full Version : Having a bad start to the morning

10-09-12, 08:37
I just can't stop crying this morning. I am in so much pain with my foot it is making me so anxious. This morning I just can't cope with anything, I am on my own and panicking. I know I need to be patient and my foot will get better but at the moment I just feel like it is going to be like this for the rest of my life and I feel so scared :weep:

10-09-12, 13:41
Aw annie, what's wrong with your foot? Do painkillers not help?

10-09-12, 15:39
I fractured 2 metatarsals when I fell off a ladder, I had the cast removed 2 weeks ago after 3 months but it is still very swollen and painful. My physio says it is normal but this morning I just convinced myself that I am never going to be able to walk again! It has brought all my anxiety back and panic attacks and I keep crying. One of my friends has just been to see me and has managed to calm me down and convince me that I will be fine. Painkillers help a bit but I can still feel it aching. Every time something physical happens my anxiety just goes over the top again x

10-09-12, 20:37
Ow that sounds painful. Once broke my little toe and I didn't appreciate how much yu need toes to move around. How about trying to distract yourself when things get bad, or before when the anxiety is building. It sounds like a normal recovery for the problem from what the physio said, hard to be patient though. x

10-09-12, 20:42
I know...that is my problem, I am not patient when it comes to things like this :) It is harder because I am on my own most of the week as my husband works away a lot so it has been a bit scary for me getting used to getting round the house on crutches. I am feeling a bit calmer tonight because my husband is home tonight. Thank you for your replies :)