View Full Version : Can I give myself Epilepsy by thinking about it? VERY SCARED!!

10-09-12, 09:04
H, for the last few weeks I have been worried about getting epilepsy,
I keep thinking about it, and while in bed as I was half asleep, I feel that I expirienced a symptom! I remember having my eyes closed and there were white flashes and It felt like I was dizzy, and was really tired, so I as I lay in bed all night tossing and turning, thinking I have it, is it poossible to train your brain into getting it or thinking you have it when you don't,

I'm so scared that I'm trying to avoid flashes! Just incase I get a symptom!

I'm 19 year old male with Anxiety - Hyperchondriac

No family history or accidents so far! And no head aches either.

Please can someone reasure me!
Many thanks!

10-09-12, 09:08
No there is no way that you can get epilepsy by thinking about it. The symptoms you spoke of just sound like it was because you were very tired and sleepy.:hugs:

little scientist
10-09-12, 10:07
OCD.SUX, no you can't get it by thinking about it :)

10-09-12, 17:31
No there is no way that you can get epilepsy by thinking about it. The symptoms you spoke of just sound like it was because you were very tired and sleepy.:hugs:

Thanks Annie, I couldn't do my driving lesson today as I was stressed! I gave myself a headache! :weep::weep::weep:

10-09-12, 17:35
Sorry you missed your driving lesson...I don't know what it is with today...maybe just that Monday feeling!, I have been really anxious all day :hugs:

10-09-12, 19:02
Sorry you missed your driving lesson...I don't know what it is with today...maybe just that Monday feeling!, I have been really anxious all day :hugs:

I'm sorry your feeling anxious, whats up? you wanna share?
I hate Mondays, had the first day of College, couldn't sleep at all, the night before!

10-09-12, 19:07
I fractured my foot 3 month ago and just got the cast removed 2 weeks ago..it is still very painful and I still need crutches to walk. My physio has reassured me I will be fine but it has really got my anxiety going again and this morning I had a panic attack and cried most of the morning as I convinced myself I will never walk again...silly I know but thats what my anxiety tells me!

10-09-12, 19:34
I fractured my foot 3 month ago and just got the cast removed 2 weeks ago..it is still very painful and I still need crutches to walk. My physio has reassured me I will be fine but it has really got my anxiety going again and this morning I had a panic attack and cried most of the morning as I convinced myself I will never walk again...silly I know but thats what my anxiety tells me!

Aww sweety, Your not the only one, I know a lot of people in your situation, of course you will walk again, your physio knows best, they are the best people to get reassurance from, their professional and has come across fractures more than you think, so rely on him if ever you have the same worry, he said you will be fine, then you will be fine. trust him!
if not, get a second opinion! the foot pain is normal after cast comes off!
Not silly at all, my fear is much sillier! am 19 and a man, and don't know anyone my age that is scared as I am with Health! and again I'm a MAN!

So everything will be aright, please don't worry, just be happy now! :) :D

10-09-12, 19:49
Thank you so much...I came on here to try to help you and you have ended up reassuring me :) My physio is excellent and I do trust him but only see him once a week and for the first couple of days after seeing him I feel better then start to panic again. (I'm a 54 year old woman). My youngest son is 22 and worries about his health and phones me if he feels any lumps or bumps or tummy upsets so you are not alone. He probably gets his anxiety from me! Thank you for your support :)

10-09-12, 21:15
Thank you so much...I came on here to try to help you and you have ended up reassuring me :) My physio is excellent and I do trust him but only see him once a week and for the first couple of days after seeing him I feel better then start to panic again. (I'm a 54 year old woman). My youngest son is 22 and worries about his health and phones me if he feels any lumps or bumps or tummy upsets so you are not alone. He probably gets his anxiety from me! Thank you for your support :)

No worries at all, I'm glad I helped! If you ever need a chat, message me any time! I will do my best to help! :)
When ever you feel anxious, sign in and read this thread! this is what I do, and it does help a bunch, I look for people who have the same worry as me, and read what other people has said! Nearly all of them are kind and helpful and most definitely reassuring!

My mum gave me her fear of health!
I think my future child will get it too!
anyway don't you just love those days when your not worried and feeling happy for no reason?

10-09-12, 21:24
Thank you :)

10-09-12, 22:26
Hi again,

Sorry to bother you, but I just remembered another symptom, from a while ago, since 2010, when ever I stand up I get kind of light headed with red flashes, It happens quite rarely such as once a month or 3 months, but when it does happen I notice it happens when I am standing, standing and stretching, Standing up while looking at the lights, I also remember it while running on the treadmill, it lasts for 1-2 seconds no longer.

I know it can be an epilepsy symptom but can it also be many other simple things such as, low blood, vitamin deficiency, Standing up to fast! diet etc?

10-09-12, 22:49
Definitely not, you'll be fine :) Anxiety produces lots of weird symptoms.

10-09-12, 22:58
Definitely not, you'll be fine :) Anxiety produces lots of weird symptoms.

Hey Alice, really big thank you for replying! its bedtime for me and cannot stop worrying! Basically, I have been testing it by looking at my lights, flickering lights, and films with flashes, but haven't felt any seizers coming!

I Googled this and it says that looking at lights will give me the illness!

Are they lies?

10-09-12, 23:04
No problem :)

Firstly, stay off google!! It is your enemy as a health anxiety sufferer, I promise you that if you are VERY strict with yourself about this rule, your health anxiety will improve immensely. Google is not a DR, and it is a lot of assumptions and people with no background of medicine whatsoever.

I think what you've found means that people who already have epilepsy can have seizures by looking at strobe lights.

Looking at lights won't cause you to develop epilepsy.

You are fine :) Anxiety can produce lots of weird visual symptoms. And panicking about these symptoms will exaggerate them too.

Definitely cannot cause an illness by thinking about it.

And just as a positive side note - people who do have epilepsy undergo happy, normal, brilliant lives :) One of my friends has it and she is married with a child and is so, so happy. It can be medicated.

But that's besides the point, because you have nothing to worry about :)

Recognise the negative thought patterns you're trapped in and just nip them in the bud. Say to yourself "no. I will not worry about this" and distract yourself. Everytime you think about it, just say "no." to yourself again, block out the worry and distract. It works :)

And stay off google!

11-09-12, 08:40
Feeling light headed etc. or tirdness could just be low blood pressure (nothing to worry about!) and nothing to do with epilepsy and electricAlice is correct...looking at flashing lights can trigger epilepsy ONLY in someone who already HAS epilepsy...it cannot cause someone to get epilepsy. Stop googling it! You are making yourself worse by looking up the symptoms :)

11-09-12, 16:36
Double Posted by accident!

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

No problem :)

Firstly, stay off google!! It is your enemy as a health anxiety sufferer, I promise you that if you are VERY strict with yourself about this rule, your health anxiety will improve immensely. Google is not a DR, and it is a lot of assumptions and people with no background of medicine whatsoever.

I think what you've found means that people who already have epilepsy can have seizures by looking at strobe lights.

Looking at lights won't cause you to develop epilepsy.

You are fine :) Anxiety can produce lots of weird visual symptoms. And panicking about these symptoms will exaggerate them too.

Definitely cannot cause an illness by thinking about it.

And just as a positive side note - people who do have epilepsy undergo happy, normal, brilliant lives :) One of my friends has it and she is married with a child and is so, so happy. It can be medicated.

But that's besides the point, because you have nothing to worry about :)

Recognise the negative thought patterns you're trapped in and just nip them in the bud. Say to yourself "no. I will not worry about this" and distract yourself. Everytime you think about it, just say "no." to yourself again, block out the worry and distract. It works :)

And stay off google!

A Thousand Thank You's, to you both! Very Much!

I love nice and long reassurance, it just gives me something to read when I am anxious! and No, No more Fake Dr Google.
I just don't like going to the doctors and I feel without Google my fear wont be eliminated untill I do, but in the end it does make it much much worse!

You two are the best!

Take care!

11-09-12, 18:09
No problem at all :) Glad to be of any help! I know how impossibly difficult it can feel to get the worries out of your head.

I noticed that when I used to google, if I found something that didn't worry me, for example fatigue linked to a bladder infection, something that is minor and wouldn't cause any real health problems, I would continue looking until I found something REALLY worrying and then start to freak out.

It's like we're not happy until we get the worst case scenario, as if to cover all possible angles.

That's why googling doesn't help, we don't use it in a healthy way :)

If you can stay of google, you will see such an improvement :) You can do it!

You'll do great!

11-09-12, 18:15
Reassurance is all we need sometimes...my physio must be fed up with me asking if my fractured foot is going to get better, he has to keep explaining to me what is happening inside it to repair then I am fine! :D

26-09-12, 17:38
What started off my anxeity was my nephew ,who a major drink problem ,had his first withdrawal fit in frount of me . Before going into the epileptic fit he complained of coloures in his vision . Now, as my dr pointed out he had a problem , and a reason for the fit ,I didnt so.relax [ no chance ] but constantly dwelling on what I experienced I whatch every symptom relating to my eyes ,including .. Sparks ,bright spots , small blue spots , bright light irritating ,after images , worst of all optic migraines . All brought on by stress and anxiety . But defiantly epilepsy can't be brought on by thinking about it