View Full Version : so scared

10-09-12, 09:44
Im so scared iv got cancer but all the doctors say its anxiety.
I woke up in the middle of the night and my legs felt like jelly but i could move them. So i went back to sleep and my arms and legs both feel like it as well as my stomach feeling like a washing machine and feeling sleepy all the time. I get pains from headache to footache every day but iv had blood tests ans chest x-ray and ecg when i felt i could breath once. iv only had this since the 21st of july and started with a bad tooth being removed im just so scared the 9 doctors iv been to are missing something i just cant cope anymore.the doc gave me anti depressants but am scared to take them. im sick of having symptoms all day iv asked for a mri but got told i really dont need one and it would just stress me out even more. i just cant understand how you get a pain with out looking for it then it makes me feel i have this nasty desise. And the brain fog thing really scares me . im not sure if 6 weeks of antibiotics for the tooth has not helped. can anyone help!

10-09-12, 09:50
I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Anxiety is an awful thing and I am feeling just the same this morning. Trust your doctors., they have done tests and would have found if it was anything serious. It would be a good idea to take the antedepressants and maybe ask your doctor to refer you for counselling or cognitive behaviour therapy. :hugs::hugs:

10-09-12, 10:59
Now might be the right time to take your antidepressants, which I assume are for controlling GAD. If you don't take the necessary measures it's never gonna stop (my own experience speaking here).