View Full Version : amygdalia

30-07-06, 16:51
help pleeeese -any one heard of clicking the brain-the amygdalia,
it works but u have to keep practising the feeling is amazing does anyone know of any other visual images for this process i think im gettin used to this one

30-07-06, 17:05
Sorry I have never heard of it. What does it do?


30-07-06, 17:11
its the part of the brain-the switch most commonly known as- that sends u pleaure and pain i.e adrenalin/fear/panic its responsible for giving these messages to ur nervous system-u can do brain excercises to stimulate it and this way u are retraining the brain in situations that there is nothing to fear cos u are having a happy feeling. it does work but practise is required

31-07-06, 12:34
The amygdala is situated at the very top of the spine, where it joins the brain I believe. When I first became ill I felt very aggressive and whenever I felt a violent urge my hands used to automatically go for the back of my head because it would feel like it was tingling or 'lifting up'. I don't know anything about retraining it though.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.