View Full Version : Restlessness

10-09-12, 15:35
This may sound like a silly question does anyone get restlessness where I cannot stay in one spot for too long. If I'm out waiting in a queue or sitting in a restuarmnt or even at home I just want to walk away and feel better in motion than staying in one spot. Its like a cannot concentrate any anything

10-09-12, 15:56
I'm the same...can't queue for anything! As soon as the meal is finished in a restaurant I want to leave and get so anxious if I have to wait long for it! I think it is all part of the anxiety.

10-09-12, 16:07
Yes exactly. I miss being able to just sit or stand somewhere and enjoy the moment. I'm sure in time when I learn to relax it will come back.

10-09-12, 17:18
I completely understand where you are coming from, I have not been able to go to the Cinema for 18 years, if I did go I would be backwards and forwards to the toilet and outside for fresh air and to calm down. I also find watching TV difficult unless I am doing something else at the same time.

10-09-12, 17:24
My son keeps saying to me "Mum why can't you just sit still and watch the movie with us" I have to keep doing something else, I would love to just be able to 'chill' and relax like he tells me to!!

10-09-12, 17:30
Its a bit of a pain because I've been off work and and have developed this issue. God help me if I have to sit through a 1 hr + meeting when I get back.

10-09-12, 17:32
meetings are difficult...I tend to spend most of my time doodling!

10-09-12, 17:40
Yes I'm the same - I'm happier if I'm moving around, so even if I have to stand/sit still I tend to step back and forth, or tap my toes and fidget generally.

10-09-12, 19:39
Those are some good tips guys. I do worry that I may act strangely but those are acceptable behaviours..... Actually not sure how the doodling will go down

10-09-12, 19:43
:D I pretend to take notes but doodle instead and hope no one asks me a question if I lose concentration! :D