View Full Version : Brand new to Site :)

10-09-12, 16:22
Hello,brand new to the Site and really looking to find likewise people who can share their experience. I'm 26,female and have spent the last 10 days in my house. I am on day 9 of starting Citalopram and in general have been in a hellksh place. I'm torn between whether I have GAD specific phobia (fainting). Or if I'm just suffering from nervous exhaustion but I'm in a constant state of anxiety with everything setting the knot in my stomach off. Just hypersensitive to sounds,, etc and having panic attacks. If anyone reads this then I will continue the story but writing from a.BB playbook and didn't want to continue if I had to write all over again lol xx

10-09-12, 18:25
Hi Lpppylu.
welcome to no more panic hunny .
i hope you start to feel better very soon and please come and join us in the chat room. as we are all there to help each other.
i have found this site very helpful to myself
i hope to meet you in the chat room very soon
lots of love to you hunny
celticlass xxxxxxxx :hugs:

20-09-12, 18:11
I never did see this. Thanks so much! xx

20-09-12, 20:14
Hi Loopylu, welcome to NMP. Sending you lots of luck and hugs x

22-09-12, 22:00
im impressed you got to day 9 with the citalopram, i couldnt take it as the side effects were worse than the anxiety by ten fold for me, im 25 and have also been housebound for a week or so, its awful, i feel for you and hope you can push through the tough times ahead :)