View Full Version : Scared about my vision

10-09-12, 19:53
So I'm new to this whole site and i thought i would give it a try and see if sharing my worries that anyone could offer me any advice :) but please no scary or worrying things please :)
So I'm worried about my vision, I've been suffering from health anxiety for about just over 4 months and its been such a horrible time in my life, I've suffered from various things which I'm starting to get over however I'm starting to worry about my vision. About 6 weeks ago i suffered from a visual migraine, I didn't know this at the time but imade an appointment with the doctor and optician straight away as i was worrying my self sick and i just couldn't control my anxiety, Both of them said nothing was wrong and my eyes looked perfectly healthy and i shouldn't worry at all about it.
But since the visual migraine i find myself constantly focussing on my vision, more than what i normally ever would, sometimes i wonder what am i trying look for, but since focussing on my vision so much i constantly see floaters in my eyes now :weep: and sometimes i will see flashes of light, this for the moment doesn't seem to happen that often but i can't help but think it will get worse :weep: i'm terrified, i tell myself that i'm ok because the doctor and optician checked my eyes and told me they looked healthy and floaters are nothing to be worried about, but as all us health anxiety sufferers know, we can't ignore those thoughts in our head, what if. I really hope somebody could offer me a bit of advice. I would appreciate it if replies weren't scary because I've read enough frightening things on google :weep: sorry I've blabbed on a bit :blush:

10-09-12, 22:44
I had the EXACT same thing happen. The migraine, and all checks came back ok - and now I focus too much on my vision and it seems really... grainy all the time.

The more you focus on it the weirder it'll seem though, trust the dr's and opticians, they wouldn't miss anything. Just relax :)

Migraines can't ruin your vision. You'll be fine :)

Don't Google!! It's the worst!

11-09-12, 00:07
if the optician says your fine then you are
thay are trained for years
try not to worry
god bless

11-09-12, 08:07
Hi :)
I've always had visual snow, floaters and other visual disturbances and recently they became worse because of stress. But when I finally accepted (after a visit with a second eye doctor, who was better than my usual one!) it's just anxiety, I've started feeling and seeing better.

In the "symptoms" section of this site there's a paragraph which begins "Eyes are nerves". This has become my mantra! It's so true. Eyes can deceive us because it's actually the mind which processes information. I read adrenaline makes us see what we'd normally ignore.

Take care.

11-09-12, 12:57
I had this exact same thing and they said it was ocular migraines. I was having them every five days and the doctors said there was nothing wrong with my eyes.

I seemed to still get this weird ache in them and would be really focussing on my vision, which I think was the anxiety.

I have floaters too. I think you are focussing on them as you are anxious that something is wrong, or that you are worried that you will not be able to concentrate on anything else. But, it is likely that your anxiety is making you focus on your floaters and when your brain realises that there is nothing wrong, you will stop focussing on them.

I have had this problem before and this has helped me. I hope it helps you too. It just seems that the brain is trained to focus on something when it thinks there is something wrong and so reprogramming the brain telling it nothing is wrong should take away the focus.

Best wishes,

11-09-12, 22:32
Thankyou for your comments everyone, and thankyou oliviaD for pointing out the symptoms section, I've looked over it and Im shocked to see how much of that i can relate to, i had no idea that the problems i was having could be linked with the body responding to anxiety, thankyou again :)