View Full Version : tight neck, head being pulled back

10-09-12, 20:42
Hi, was just wondering if any one else has had the sensation as if your head is being pulled backward, probably caused by tight muscles.

10-09-12, 21:26
No but I get a strange sensation on the right side of my head. I know there are loads of nerve endings etc on the scalp so thats prob caused by strain or sleeping funny.

11-09-12, 10:31
Yes, I think I know what you mean. I find that I hold my head/neck very tense at times and its almost like a pulling back feeling.
I also get a feeling similar to goosebumps running from tense shoulder up behind ear at times. Always when I feel tense muscles.

11-09-12, 10:37
hi there i this feeling almost constantly, to the point that i feel like my eyes are going to pop out like in a cartoon. although a really unpleasant symptom in the past 15 years not once have eyes popped out. although once in a night club this girls eye fell out. well you can imagine my absolute horror at this, even found myself checking the floor to make sure my eyes were not on the floor. my friend who knew her told me that she had a glass eye. oh the relief i felt at that.

11-09-12, 11:37
thanks for sharing, that was my first strong indication of stress induced panic attack (which I ignored) that was over two years ago and it took months to go away.

11-09-12, 11:47
hiya, no problem that tight pulled back feeling to the point of "oh my goodness where is has my head gone" is my signal that i have either overdone through work, play or unnecessary worrying. i do find it goes away with an absolute determined deviance to see it through to the point of if my head explodes or disintegrates at least it will be over. as one can see it has yet to do either. my last bad day was sunday when i had a viral infection which lead to that tight feeling leading to a self induced paralysis in my chair but the self determination kicked it and monday soon arrived which was a good day.


11-09-12, 13:17
I used to get this, I managed to convince myself it was tetanus :ohmy: but it wasn't.

11-09-12, 13:21
yes, i usually ice my neck and then use a hot compress and that helps relieve the tension.