View Full Version : Anyone actually care??

10-09-12, 21:48
Hi, I am so frustrated. I have posted threads and no one has actually replied. Even when I get involved in others discussions. I feel like the kid in class that smells like pee.:weep:

10-09-12, 21:52
I will move this post for you hun because you have posted in intro. I will move to general anxiety for you and you should get some more replies.


10-09-12, 21:54
It looks to me like all but one of your topics have had replies. Please try to be patient though - everyone here is also dealing with their own issues, in varying degrees, and may be in a 'reading mood' rather than a replying mood.

10-09-12, 21:56
hi loopy and welcome to nmp, some posts can just be missed, i know i only reply when i can be of help, im sure you will get great support on this site, try posting on a specific problem that is affecting you hun, im sure you will get replies.

take care and good luck xx

10-09-12, 22:02
It looks to me like all but one of your topics have had replies. Please try to be patient though - everyone here is also dealing with their own issues, in varying degrees, and may be in a 'reading mood' rather than a replying mood.

I have not seen these replies?

10-09-12, 22:04


10-09-12, 22:11
Yeah you do have replies. It sometimes takes a little time but most posts do get a good response.


10-09-12, 22:13
Thanks girls!! I see them now!! Feel much better now xx