View Full Version : Mild headache issue again. VERY ANXIOUS.

10-09-12, 23:04
OK I've posted here before. & my headaches that I've been getting are NOT worse & Thank God NO neurological symptoms, but I've been reading different sites & naturally u had to stumble on an area that talks about SLOW GROWING BRAIN TUMORS. It said you could have no symptoms for YEARS! & have brain tumor. That is scary ! I honestly don't think I have tumor , but that gave me the CREEPS, BIG TIME! Does anyone know anything about this topic of slow growing brain tumors ? PLEASE GETBACK TO ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, ANYONE. I read the websites because I feel better WITH INFO THAN WITHOUT IT. Without any info, I still have questions that need answers. I know a lot of people say don't read web, but that doesn't work for me. Thank You.

11-09-12, 13:38
Bumped up for you Violet


11-09-12, 16:07
Honestly, the only people who really can answer those questions are medical professionals. I have known two people with brain tumors. One's was benign and she just lives with it and has it monitored, it is not dangerous. The other found out because he kept collapsing. Neither had headaches.

But really, the only people to give you reassurance and legitimate information are doctors

---------- Post added at 11:07 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

And just to add - you probably have a better chance of getting run over by a car than getting something like that.

11-09-12, 16:20
What the previous poster answered. Millions of people have mild headaches every day you know, and it's nothing to worry about.
If you really have to make sure go and have a MRI done, then relax (because statistically I can assure you it's really unlikely you have anything serious) and forbid yourself from googling again.
You may need answers but the net is not the place to find them.

Anxious lu
11-09-12, 16:34
I too have been worrying about my mild headaches. About a week ago I went for an MRI scan to check for TIA (unrelated to headaches so don't worry) and now worry that they may have overlooked a neiroglogical disease or tumour. I have been reassured by many people these things would have shown signs on my MRI But I still wOrry about the cause of this mild ache.

Something I have noticed the other day was while standing at work I was biting down really hard. I have now considered this maybe the cause due to tension. I haven't noticed it before but sinse on a couple of occasions I find myself doing it. This makes me wonder how long I've had this habit. It maybe something to look out for.

11-09-12, 17:42
there is 60 million people in the uk and about 4600 cases of brain tumour in the uk every year that includes malignant and cancer ones the chance of you getting one is 0.008 %. this is all from cancer resurch uk. More than lightly things like hayfever,dehydration and other stuff causing it.
Hope this is some reasurance

11-09-12, 23:51
Hi & thank you for replying. Just wondering. Please tell me something. How did your friend with benign brain tumor discover it. What were the symptoms? Would really be interested in knowing . Thank You.

12-09-12, 00:11
I know 2 people with brain tumours. One collapsed in the street and had a fit and it was diagnosed that way. The other had the most excruiacting pain in her head that she was screaming in agony and hers was diagnosed following that. She said it wasn't just a headache it was real pain and she had to lay down and couldn't function at all.

I would look into other things like TMJ as well as sinus issues and migraines.

12-09-12, 04:25
Thank You for bumping my post up pip, but what exactly is bumping up & how is it done in case I need to do it myself in future? Thanks, Violet.

12-09-12, 06:09

I just means I replied to your thread so that it moves up the most recent posts list. A lot of people browse by today's posts rather than by forum. It often does the trick if there haven't been any replies.

Pip x