View Full Version : Panic

11-09-12, 00:37
Well I am so glad I found this site. I have been suffering with panic attacks since April and it has been a very bumpy road and I'm still trying to except it.

Reading the symptoms and information about panic attacks has brought me back to earth and realise that some symptoms I am experiencing is the anxiety and not some terminal illness. I was reading through everything last night and it was like this website was my star sign! :D

It's also made me realise that some symptoms I have been suffering with since I was 18 - when I was in year 12 and my parents split up..

No one can be excited like this unless they know what it's like to deal with panic everyday! :)

11-09-12, 00:55
Life events can often trigger of anxiety.
I still have problems accepting the anxiety, as the symptoms are real.
But gentics play a part, they've found that mice with probiotics good bacteria in their gut deal better with stress than mice without .
I think there's many factors, but with a good diet, lifestyle,therapy, meditation, medication it can be managed :)

11-09-12, 01:20
Yeah you're right. I'm working on my diet, and relaxation as ive never been able to relax. I'm also going to a pyschiatrist as I was not getting anything out of a psychologist or any doctors.

The hardest part is the moods and the dizziness.. I always feel as if I'm going to faint. But I've gotta do what I've got to do. It's just hard to come to terms with it at this age. I'm 23 and to deal with all of this with one big hit is a struggle. But as I'm learning about it more it gets easier. :doh:

11-09-12, 07:26
Hi there and :welcome:

It's great that you have found it comforting to see that there are lots of people with the same experiences as you on here. You're definitely not alone! I know you'll make some good friends and that you be able to help them as much as they'll help you.

Take care

Pip x