View Full Version : Flu like symptoms with fever and headache.

11-09-12, 00:50
Woke up with slight fever, sore throat, painful cough, really bad back aches, block ears, runny nose.

I can't seem to get my fever down. Usually paracetamol helps.
I've tried a Luke warm bath, cold drinks, running cold water over wrists and misting face with cold water n using a handheld fan.

I've zero energy, achy all over on n off but the lower back pains the worst.*When I cough it makes random muscles cramp up :(

In bed now, with a light top, long pj pants n socks. I feel too cold n then too warm so it's hard to get comfortable without over heating.

My temp now is 39C I think that's 102F.

I'm rather weak n dizzy so it's scary having to move about!*
I know I should sleep but I fear waking up worse. . .*
I don't know if I need antibiotics, it all started as a sinus infection, n now feels like the FLU.*

I've had low grade fevers for weeks now, I *really can't get to my doctors, n I don't think I'm bad enough for a house call!

Any ideas?*

11-09-12, 12:42
You might just be able to fight it off on your own, could just be a virus (in which case antibiotics wouldn't help). I would say if you don't start feeling better in a couple days get to the doctors but no rush unless your fever shoots up really high. I had a viral infection this spring that lasted two weeks unfortunately! But it did go away. You can take ibuprofin and tylenol (not sure UK equivalent - acetaminophin) together if just one of them does not take the fever down.

I hope you feel better!!!! It really is awful having a fever, feels like complete death! But you'll get better :hugs:

11-09-12, 13:55
If your tonsils have enlarged, hurting like hell and you can see white coat on them, I'd rather see a doctor. Otherwise it's probably some viral infection.

14-09-12, 06:52
thanks for the replies :)

No, one tonsil is a teeny bit swollen and gets white stuff on it but it's been that way for months, except now it has 2 yellow spots!
I seem to have two black hole in my other tonsil area, I guess I had tonsil stones at one point...

Well the first night was the worst, fever didn't go any higher than 39.5 which is good, cause I if it hit 40 I would have worried about all that stuff that can happen.

My back and hips were sooo painful, I gave in and used a warm wheatbag and it felt soo good and really helped with the pain.
Sucked having to get up to reheat it though haha.

The worst part of the cough was that it was hurting my tummy muscles so bad, I could barely move without pain and coughing wasn't fun either.
My chest was mildly sore and around my ribs but more in the back area.

My throat feels better, but it really red and has spots all over it that make my throat feels kinda powdery like I ate flour ...

My glands are still sore to the touch.

My sinus... well when I stand up I get a shooting pain in my head, sometimes my cheek bones ache, plus way too many headaches....

My nose is super sore, I seem to have some scabs/sores in side and my nose bleeds a little bit. Just on the out side of one nostril but in the inner side I have a swelling with a big yellow scab. It's pretty sore and the runny nose makes it sting.

My energy levels are getting better but my muscles are so achy and tired it's frustrating as I am bored of sitting around all day!

I hope I don't get the flu or virus again this winter!

I really feel like my immune system is bad, despite taking multivitamins, calcium and omega 3.
I might buy some protein powder as I might be lacking there too.
Must get more of those Complan health drinks too.

I was only fully sick for a day so that's pretty good :) Last time I had the flu I didn't feel right for weeks and the cough really hung around!