View Full Version : On holiday, really bad prolonged panic attack

11-09-12, 06:01
Had 2 panic attacks in last few days, have now been up all night with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Usually I feel better after throwing up once but now I'm dry heaving and the nausea isn't going away. Can anyone give me advice on how to get past this?

Want to get an earlier flight and just go home but thoughts keep spiralling out of control like what if this doesn't go away, what if I can't manage to get on plane. Boyfriend has fear of vomiting so he's stressing out and finding it difficult to help me. Worried I may actually be ill, supposed to check out of current hotel tomorrow, what if it doesn't go away. Can anyone please help with how I can stop this. Just want to be home.

11-09-12, 07:19
Perhaps you have picked up a bug, what about going to the chemist and explaining your symptoms.
If it is your anxiety causing these symptoms I would try and stick it out otherwise it will put you off going on holiday in the future. We all need to get away from home sometimes to recharge batteries and gain a little freedom from the daily struggle.

11-09-12, 09:48
Oh dear that's not good I really feel for you. I really do think that it sounds like you've picked up a bug. Try and drink water so you don't dehydrated as the vomitting and runs can cause dehydration and this won't help with anxiety.

Hope it passes quickly. Take care x

11-09-12, 10:24
Thank you both, I finally got to sleep this morning and feel better now, though we've had to amend the next part of our trip in case I couldn't travel. It's so difficult to tell sometimes whether it's anxiety or actual illness. I think this may have been a bit of both. In any case I think I'm going to see my doctor about this when I get home, have been trying to deal with this by myself but they keep coming and sometimes I get a big one I just don't know how to deal with.

12-09-12, 15:48
Oh dear, partner and I now both ill with diarrhea. Just hope I can keep my anxiety under tabs, I can feel it rising :(

12-09-12, 19:04
I understand what you are going through Miniature, take lots of deep breaths. Try to do this as much as possible throughout the day.

Remember its only anxiety.

You are thankful for this holiday and are going to have a great time, I promise.