View Full Version : Mole, cancer fear, panic!!

11-09-12, 11:19
I have a mole on my underarm and I noticed it was red and sore on oneside of it and its got bigger, I thought it might be a spot but its been there a week now and no better. Made a drs appt which I had to cancel cos my son is poorly and now I have to wait until friday.

I am so scared, I have no idea how long it was red before I noticed it :'(

I havent had a panic quite like this in years

11-09-12, 11:27
Maybe it is nothing to worry about but you should get it checked out anyway just to reassure you. I have one on my neck which I panicked about until I saw the GP and he said it was nothing to worry about...hopefully it will be the same for you :hugs:

11-09-12, 11:30
I have a mole on my underarm and I noticed it was red and sore on oneside of it and its got bigger, I thought it might be a spot but its been there a week now and no better. Made a drs appt which I had to cancel cos my son is poorly and now I have to wait until friday.

I am so scared, I have no idea how long it was red before I noticed it :'(

I havent had a panic quite like this in years

Go to the doctor and get it checked on Friday, this is what I do now rather than let every new mole eat me up. I go and say "I am worried about this one and then Doc says

Perfectly normal skin tag you're fine

and that is that sorted.

As I said get it checked for peace of mind, but thinking about it (and I may be talking rubbish here.....) under your arm any mole would get minimal/zero exposure to sunlight and therfore be much less liely to "go bad." :emot-questioned:

11-09-12, 11:39
thank you its on the underside of my forearm, jeez I have been so good over my panics, i just know skin cancer is aggressive :(