View Full Version : Pneumonia..please help

11-09-12, 12:30
Hi everyone. I know I haven't been here for a while. I haven't been panicking much until today. A week ago I got a terrible sinus headache which developed into a horrible cough. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and he non chalantly said I have pneumonia. He gave me antibiotics and that was it. I am paralyzed with fear right now. I don't know what to do. He said to rest so I took work off and I have nothing to do but panic. People die from pneumonia! How do I know I will get better? What is dangerous amd what is not? Someone please talk me through this. Has anyone had pneumonia?


11-09-12, 12:41
If the doctor thought your pneumonia was very bad you would be in hospital. My daughter had it and she also suffers from asthma and she recovered from it. It is rare to die from it these days unless the person has some other serious illness at the same time. Do what the doctor says...take the tablets and rest. You WILL be fine :hugs:

11-09-12, 12:43
hi hun if the doctor thought ur puemonia was surious he would of admitted u to hospital mybe its early stages of it after u have taken your atibotics if u feel no better go bk or go A&E. rest drink loads of hot fluids hope u feel better soon take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-09-12, 12:47
Annie..thank you for posting so quickly. I have never had it before, I just turned 55 and I am thinking now that I'm older I won't be able to fight it off. I am scared. I need to think positive but that is easier said.

11-09-12, 12:53
My uncle just had it and he is 86...he is fine now and you will be too :)

11-09-12, 12:54
as a nurse, i look after pneumonia patients on a regular basis. those that are admitted into hospital are usually those with underlying health problems i.e. respiratory illness (asthma, copd etc). the fact that you are at home is a positive thing. drink plenty of fluids, eat little but often, rest and most important finish the course of atbx your doctor has prescribed even when you begin to feel well.


11-09-12, 13:11
Thanx Mark. I asked him about asthma....he said he didn't hear any wheezing but how much can he hear with a stethascope? I feel like I am waiting to feel worse instead of better.

---------- Post added at 04:11 ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 ----------

Hi Spuder.....you are very sweet..thank you. Hugs.

11-09-12, 13:16
I had pneumonia around Christmas time about seven years a go. I worked with a lot of homeless people and sat next to someone during the Christmas meal who started coughing and spluttering all over my face... anyway I had to go to A&E on Christmas day as it felt worse, all they said was that it was the anxiety from it!

Took about 3 weeks to clear up and go away and slept for around 70% of that time. Also I had quite bad asthma at the time but they said it was viral pneumonia (?) so antibiotics werent needed.

Anyway, even when I had severe Asthma I still was OK, hope that reassures you a little.

11-09-12, 13:25
mate, he can hear you chest really good through a scethescope and that is how he diagnosed the pneumonia, your chest would have made crackling sound (do not be alarmed by this) which is a sign of pneumonia. if there were any cause for concern he would have sent you an assessment ward (which is where i work) for further investigation. honestly finish the atbx (what ones you on) if no better upon completion of cause then go back, be patient pneumonia can take up to 2weeks to clear.

11-09-12, 14:06
Thank you uk..it helps very much to hear from people who have had it. I have to try amd have a more positive train of thought. For the moment I am lying down and hoping that these antibiotics do their job.

---------- Post added at 05:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 ----------

Hi Mark, I am on 500mg of Ran-Clarithromycin for 10 days. What do they do if no improvement after antibiotics? Do they give a different round?

11-09-12, 14:22
hi mandarra, yea clarithromycin is a good atbx to have for first line of treatment. they usually do the trick if after completion of course and no improvement they would progress on to second line atbx ie stronger ones. try not to worry all pneumonia is is a really bad chest infection that can be a little stubborn at times. i had it last year, did not take atbx (nurses make bad patients) and smoke 20 a day and it cleared up eventually. let some air in to your room, plenty of fluids really help too.

11-09-12, 15:00
Mark, you have helped me very much. Thank you. I have bad HA so it is h.ard for me when I get sick.

11-09-12, 15:04
my pleasure glad to have helped. i know what is it like i have anxiety/panic issues which i normally plod along with. i only have to have a sniffle or like sunday a 24hr viral infection and the anxiety spirals out of control, them days i just write off.

anytime you feeling pants feel free to contact me


11-09-12, 15:52
So great to talk to someone who understands...have a good day.


11-09-12, 18:57
I had sinus issues that turned into a sore throat and cough, I was up all night with a fever, aches and pains all over. Not been to the doctors but feeling slightly better today.
The antibiotics will clear up any infection:
Drink lots of fluids.
Honestly if your able to walk and move about you're not too bad.
It's very unlikely to get worse when you have antibiotics.
But if it does the hospital will put you on IV fluids n meds and you'll be fine .

11-09-12, 19:38
Hi Anxious Gal...thank you for taking the time to reassure me. I am a major hypochonriac and when I heard pneumonia...I heard "you can die from this". I think I habe too much going on in my life right now and I need to put on the brakes. I have be en trying to do it all. I am taking a few days off work. I am also supposed to be moving into a new home on the weekend...I need to feel well.

12-09-12, 01:35
My mam had pneumonia when I was younger, the doc said it was never life threatening and she got kept in hospital for a week, so if you're still at home and just on some antibiotics there's really not much to worry about, it normally only kills elderly people and people with weakened immune systems, I wouldn't worry at all ( easier said than done I know! )

12-09-12, 02:25
Yes easier said than done. I really wish I wasn't like this. I dwell on the "what ifs".