View Full Version : Body Temperature - can anxiety raise it?

11-09-12, 15:46
Just curious if anxiety can raise your body temperature? I measure using the armpit and it normally says 36.1-36.5. Today I checked and it said 36.7 then about 15 minutes later it said 36.9 then about 5 minutes later it said 37. I normally do have a low body temperature so am now really panicking about it.

Also my left armpit says 36.6 and right armpit said 37.0 - I don't understand why there is a difference but both armpits normally show different temperatures on me.

11-09-12, 15:59
There really isn't much difference in the temperatures you mentioned and are all normal. If you are checking it so often and worrying about it, yes this can raise it slightly but not to a dangerous level. Under the armpits is not always an accurate measurement so could be slightly different. Don't worry about it, its fine :hugs:

11-09-12, 16:02
Stress increases your metabolism, so the answer is yes. Everything's normal here.

11-09-12, 16:09
yes anxiety can do this too you,,if im in a real panic i can go from either burning up or to the other extreme of being freezing and hiding under the duvet

11-09-12, 19:44
Thank you for the replies. I have no idea why my mind is going mad at the moment. A few weeks ago I was a little anxious but more or less fine and now every day I panic about the smallest thing. It's like my mind has lost its ability to filter the anxiety out.


11-09-12, 19:50
What kind of thermometer are you using?...If a shop bought one I would say its probably within the margins of error of the thermometer. 37.0 is absolutely average and normal!!!! I'm a scientist and take temperature readings an awful lot.

11-09-12, 19:51
Awww sweetie *big hugs* I totally feel for you!! I've been checking my temp obsessively and have been trying so hard to not do it anymore.

Stess/Anxiety can indeed raise your temp. In children who've underdone something traumatic often times they'll run a temp even

25-06-15, 02:47
Just curious if anxiety can raise your body temperature? I measure using the armpit and it normally says 36.1-36.5. Today I checked and it said 36.7 then about 15 minutes later it said 36.9 then about 5 minutes later it said 37. I normally do have a low body temperature so am now really panicking about it.

Also my left armpit says 36.6 and right armpit said 37.0 - I don't understand why there is a difference but both armpits normally show different temperatures on me.

what happened next? i also experienced this huhuhu help me!