View Full Version : Hello :) looking for reassurance that im not the only one!

11-09-12, 19:06
Hi everyone!

I'm Claire and i'm 27. I have had a pretty awful time the past 2 and a half years with having to care for my mum full time and then finally when she was better and we were able to move out and let her be independent i got pregnant only to lose the baby at 5 months. The due date would have been the beginning of this month so as you can imagine has been a very stressful time. And now im just left with daily panic attacks that are driving me insane! The worst part is that i know i'm being silly its just trying to get my stupid brain to comprehend!

My husband is a great support but he works away for 2 weeks out of 5 and that is when i struggle the most!

So im just hoping that i find lots of lovely people here who can support me and vice versa.

Thanks for reading. xx:D

11-09-12, 19:11
Hi Nessy,

Sorry to hear about your baby that is terrible I cannot imagine what you are going through.

My boyfriend used to work away and I know how hard that can be especially when you suffer with anxiety.

Are you getting any sort of counselling? Don't mean to sound nosey but it might help you if you had someone to speak to

11-09-12, 19:18
Hi Nessy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-09-12, 19:18
Hi Bernie,

Thanks. Its very tough but im trying to keep positive.

I have gone through my doctor and im waiting to hear back from them but you know how it is it can take months! I am going to give it a few weeks and then think about going private.

11-09-12, 19:21
That's terrible that you are still waiting for counselling after going through something so traumatic. I'd go back to the Doctors and see if he can refer you as an urgent case. You don't get if you don't ask!!

11-09-12, 19:31
Hi Nessy...I'm Lucy,26...so sorry of your loss. You have been through so much so it's obviously all coming to a head. I've had a very difficult year...with alot of change. My beautiful nan passed away on the 3rd August and ever since my panic attacks have came back full force. There are loads of people on here for you to talk to and who will chat about anything and everything you feel that you need to unload xx

11-09-12, 20:02
Hi loopylou,

Thanks. Yeah i used to have panic attacks about 7 years ago but they went when i met my husband but with everything thats happened they have come back big time! Sorry to hear about your nan. That must have been really hard for you. What helps you with your panic attacks?

11-09-12, 20:29
Hi Nessy.
Oh my gosh I'm so sad to hear of your baby, that is utterly tragic. Loosing a child is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. This must be such a awful time for you. I've only been on here for two days and already I can tell that people on here are so supportive. Your not alone, everyone of us on here is battling with panic and anxiety in one way or another. Your not alone. Don't ever feel silly about your panic attacks, they are scary. Your not being silly, you can't control them.

11-09-12, 20:42
Thanks Jezebel,

It just seems every day i have something different "wrong" with me! I know this is ridiculous but i cant stop it. Also its hard to believe your mind is powerful enough to create physical symptoms!

11-09-12, 21:11
I take a deep breath,sit down and tell myself and the panic attack to "do your worst" so far it's worked. I've stopped the last few insets this way. Breathe and confront it. Seems silly but it's worked. ,..and if not....just ride it out. LOL. You?

11-09-12, 21:44
Ive never tried that! Ive just tried to tell myself that there is nothing wrong with me and im not going to die! So far my breathing hasnt been affected too badly. Its mostly my heart. Just beats incredibly quickly and i get this overwhelming dread that something awful is going to happen! And then the next thing is to distract myself, but thats harder said than done x

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

Ive already wrote this once but it seems to have deleted it! I just try and tell myself that im ok and not going to die! But i will def try your way. Sounds scary though. I dont seem to hyperventilate. It just seems to be my heart rather than my breathing. But i only have to have the slightest pain somewhere which starts it off. I also try to just distract myself. Which is a lot easier said than done.x

---------- Post added at 21:44 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

My computer said it hadnt sent it!!!!!!