View Full Version : Feel panicky right now

11-09-12, 21:01
I've been doing fairly well for the last month, but now I feel panicky. :scared15: I've been working on a difficult task this week, and to be honest for most of today I just sat there at my desk not really knowing what I'm supposed to be doing. I've asked my manager for help a couple of times already, and he has given me some direction but I still don't feel that I'm competent/experienced enough to complete the task. Added to this, I've got a really hectic day tomorrow - I have a hairdressing appointment in my lunch-hour and then in the evening I've got a social club night to go to - I have to go as I'm the organiser (I usually enjoy them once I get there). So I won't have much time to relax at all tomorrow, maybe an hour if I'm lucky.

Plus I think I'm nervous because this is my first full-time week at work in over a month, so I've got to get used to working 5 days a week again. And this has all coincided with a change in brand of medication, so I'm not sure if this has made my anxiety worse (even though all generic brands are in theory supposed to be the same).

11-09-12, 21:07
It does seem like you have a lot happening this week especially with it being a full week at work. I always get more anxious and panicky when I am tired. Maybe a nice relaxing bath and early night in bed with some relaxing might help you? Hope you feel better tomorrow :hugs:

11-09-12, 22:16
Thanks for your support. :) I've been feeling tired as I've only been able to sleep for 7 hours for each of the last 3 nights. I've had too much on my mind so I can't motivate myself to go to sleep before midnight!

11-09-12, 22:21
Sorry you're having a bit of a blip Sparkle. Could you put on some relaxing music to fall asleep with, to try to see if you can get to sleep earlier tonight? If I don't have what I want in the house I log on to YouTube on my phone and see if I can find a classical chill-out playlist or something. I particularly like Ave Maria & Moonlight Sonata :)