View Full Version : Useful Resource

11-09-12, 22:56
I've found a website with useful works sheets and information PDF's on Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I've taken a look through them and they seem quite handy. Most of the PDF's appear to be made by the Australian Government so at least they are official and not filled with useless rubbish.

1. What is generalised anxiety disorder?
2. What is mindfulness?
3. Mindfulness and letting go
4. How worry works
5. Accepting uncertainty
6. Behavioural experiments
7. Calming technique
8. Progressive muscle relaxation
9. Postpone your worry
10. Situational exposure
11. Coping with stress

1. Anxiety symptoms record
2. Breathing rate record/a>
3. Monitoring relaxation
4. Situational exposure diary
5. Postpone your worry
6. Letting go with mindfulness
7. Accepting uncertainty
8. Challenging intolerance of uncertainty

Self-help Programme
1. Overview of generalised anxiety
2. Overview of worrying
3. Negative beliefs about worrying (Part 1)
4. Negative beliefs about worrying (Part 2)
5. Positive beliefs about worrying
6. Challenging worries
7. Letting go of worries
8. Accepting uncertainty
9. Problem solving
10. Relaxation
11. Self management

I have downloaded all of the PDF's, renamed them (they had names like AI34CNW.pdf before) and put them into folders (in case other website goes offline). I am hosting them myself.

Part 1. Information Sheets (Download (http://hausjell.com/nmp/information_sheets.zip))
Part 2. Worksheets (Download (http://hausjell.com/nmp/worksheets.zip))
Part 3. Selfhelp Programme (Download (http://hausjell.com/nmp/selfhelp_programme.zip))

Original files (http://www.psychologytools.org/generalised-anxiety-disorder.html)

14-09-12, 19:29
no sticky on this? Thought it was really useful... oh well

15-09-12, 21:51
Thanks for it, could be useful to many

16-09-12, 13:41
They look like really helpful files, thanks for sharing them. :)