View Full Version : Is it time to stop worrying - test results

Anxious lu
12-09-12, 10:36
Wednesday 8 days ago I went for a series of tests at hospital. Following a funny turn I had the day before I was sent for an MRI scan to check for TIA.

When there I was put through a series of tests, they took blood tests (quite a bit) for routine blood work, blood sugar, weight, an ECG and an MRI scan. That evening the specialist TIA doctor rang me and told me there was no sign of any damage caused by stroke and I was fine and my results would be sent to my doctor.

Sinse then my worry has been a
Neurological disease or anything else that might be wrong with me like a tumour. As its been over a week and I haven't heard anything is it time fore to stop worrying. Would they have recognised any other problems from these tests.

I am constantly sick with worry and want to know what people think about these tests as I know not much about them.

12-09-12, 11:11
The fact you're asking yourself the question is a good hint )
Discuss the results with your doctor, ask all the questions you need to have answered and tell him/her about your health worries too. Then get back to enjoying life :hugs: