View Full Version : Can you pass out wen anxiose

12-09-12, 13:05
Scared rihtr now feel like i will pass out and die i read a storeu once were a women had a panic attack and passed out her husband was picking up there son who had slipped and bam his head and it killed him she began to panuc and passed out hrt husband was attendin his son she chocked on her tounge that storey always stayed in my head and come to mind wen eelin like i do now

12-09-12, 13:08
It is very very rare to pass out when having a panic attack and is usually when the blood pressure falls very low.

I would think in the case of that story it was shock for the woman as well.

12-09-12, 13:24
Thanks i just told mt self that to thanks

12-09-12, 13:28
hi there, yea agree with above....when you faint it as because you have been standing still for a long time like soldiers on a hot day or your bp falls dramatically which never happens in a panic attack.

12-09-12, 16:08
I also would agree.

It is almost impossible to faint while having an anxious episode.

Being anxious will temporarily raise your blood pressure (NOT to any dangerous level though I have to add - don't want to freak anyone out) and it is a sudden drop in blood pressure which will make you faint.

12-09-12, 16:22
Yeah, I haven't heard many people say that they've passed out from a Panic Attack.There will have been some no doubt, but it's probably very rare.

The worst I've had is to turn white and get very shaky.

Try not to worry too much about it.