View Full Version : Couldn't stay off google :-(

Anxiety Jim
12-09-12, 14:36
Hi everyone,

I've been having severe abdominal pain for 5 days now, first I was convinced it was appendicitis, but 2 doctors said it wasn't. Now I'm relating it to my other much older but still present symptoms (yellow stools, itching, looser bowel movements for a few months, and flat-on-one-side stools) and have came to the conclusion that it must be pancreatic or bowel cancer, even though my doctor said I am too young. BUT he doesn't know about all of my symptoms.

I did go and see my GP last year with flat on one side stools, and he said it was probably haemorrhoids, he was a locum Dr and I'm worried he missed something...

Why couldn't I just stay off google! It's almost as if I want to think I've got cancer or something, it's terrible!

12-09-12, 14:40

Stay off Google lol

You need distraction. Do you work?

12-09-12, 14:48
Jim, I assure you that your current pain can't be any acute inflammation of the Pancreas - I watched my dad's pain when he was admitted last Thursday with Pancreatitis, and I'm absolutely convinced that you would not be able to be here or on Google if you had anything like that. My dad was vomiting so loudly that the neighbours could have heard him, and in so much pain he could barely move!

As Nicola said, you must stay off Google!

Anxiety Jim
12-09-12, 14:51
I've been unemployed since I left uni. And have been rejected again and again for every job that I apply for whether it's a graduate job, or cashier and anything in between. So I spend most of my days sitting at home worrying about my health.

I think the reason that I always feel the need to google my symptoms is so that I can tell my doctor what I think I may have got, in case he doesn't think of it.

I'm also worried that when the doctor does find something terminal wrong with me I'll be really angry that I have been wasting my last few weeks worrying and not living, but that is countered in my mind by thinking the earlier I find something I might get a few more weeks life...


12-09-12, 16:03
Google is the devil! you could put anything in there and the answer would be cancer. I once looked on there as I had some dirt stuck in my toe and wanted to know how to get it out I kid you not the first thing that came up was ''Toe Cancer''

12-09-12, 16:18
Am I the only one with H/A who doesn't worry about cancer or tumours?

12-09-12, 16:47
Hi Jim, it sounds more like IBS. I've suffered from that in the past and it was bloody horrible. It took over my life and then miraculously, one day it just disappeared! Stress will definitely make your symptoms worse though, so, as hard as it is, try and relax a little. How about you ask your doctor to refer you for a colonoscopy? I've had a couple of those and turned out I had a harmless polyp. Although the symptoms I was experiencing weren't actually caused by the polyp, as they continued long after it was removed. Let us know how you get on.

Anxiety Jim
12-09-12, 16:49
Google is the devil! you could put anything in there and the answer would be cancer. I once looked on there as I had some dirt stuck in my toe and wanted to know how to get it out I kid you not the first thing that came up was ''Toe Cancer''

I know any symptom will say could be cancer, but i always think if its possibleand ive got at least 2 symptoms i must have it.

I health anxiety didn't start with cancer, it started with heart attack worries and stayed like that for a couple of years before it got to anything else.

12-09-12, 16:56
I know sometimes its impossible not to google, as you can get yourself into such a state. Iv diagnosed myself with every sinister illness in the book cause iv had all the symptoms and iv never been right. The mind is very powerful, if you believe something enough then the actual symptoms will appear x

12-09-12, 16:57
I don't think I'll survive the week, every week too. I hate waking up thinking this is the day I'm going to die. I'm doing my absolute best to stop looking at a mole that I swear up and down in melanoma, feeling for lumps, looking at bruises, thinking acne is staph. DO NOT GOOGLE. Honestly, we google because we think we're going to feel better. Like we think its going to say, "You have a stomach flu." Instead it's you have pancreatic cancer. So it doesn't make us feel any better at all. It makes us feel like poo. No pun intended. If you want to be better, you have to stop googling and staring at your poo all the time. Try it.

12-09-12, 18:45

I gave you the soundest advice I could yesterday and that was to stop searching on the Internet for all your symptoms. Most of the other posters who took the time to try and help you agreed. You're asking for help and advice but you're not making the effort to follow it. I know it's hard (I really do and I feel for you) but I'm not sure why you keep asking for support if you're not going to listen to what people are saying.

We can't reassure you that you don't have a real physical illness, that's what your GP's for and it seems to me that he's done it. No-one said it would be easy but we all have to try our best to help ourselves. Ultimately, no-one else can do it for us.

Take care


Anxiety Jim
12-09-12, 18:55
I know sometimes its impossible not to google, as you can get yourself into such a state. Iv diagnosed myself with every sinister illness in the book cause iv had all the symptoms and iv never been right. The mind is very powerful, if you believe something enough then the actual symptoms will appear x

The thing is these symptoms can't possibly be in my mind, yellow stools, severe pain when I stand up and for about a minute afterwards, and flat/ribbon stools.

b0wl0fj0kes I think that is why I do google the symptoms to find something saying "it's nothing to worry about" but of course I never find that.

I've managed to stay off google for a few hours by distracting myself, and there was a couple of times for a minute or two at most where I thought, everything is going to be OK. If only I could feel like that the whole time, and even more importantly I hope it's true!!!

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------


I gave you the soundest advice I could yesterday and that was to stop searching on the Internet for all your symptoms. Most of the other posters who took the time to try and help you agreed. You're asking for help and advice but you're not making the effort to follow it. I know it's hard (I really do and I feel for you) but I'm not sure why you keep asking for support if you're not going to listen to what people are saying.

We can't reassure you that you don't have a real physical illness, that's what your GP's for and it seems to me that he's done it. No-one said it would be easy but we all have to try our best to help ourselves. Ultimately, no-one else can do it for us.

Take care


Hi Pip,

I do understand that I need to stop googling, and I can usually do it for a few hours, but then if the pain is particullarly bad, or I get too panicked I think I need to know what this is so I can tell the doctor.

I think what I'm going to do is write a list of my symptoms and worries, and whenever I'm worried about something new I'll add it to the list, and then tell myself that I've added it to the list and I'll show my GP the list on Friday, googling it isn't going to make a difference to what I've got, so just relax and enjoy the rest of the week (except for when standing up).

I've been distracting myself reading live blogs of the iPhone 5, which I'll never be able to afford, but I do like to see what they do.

12-09-12, 20:48
i agree with Pip, google may be useful for somethings but when it comes to medical advice i'm pretty sure it isn't qualified (too young for a start!)

I think it's a good idea to write down all of your symptoms, have you ever thought about keeping a diary? Years ago my doctor got me to keep a diary detailing any pain/nausea/feeling including any anxious thoughts, alongside any activities i was doing (going to work/shops etc) and any food/drink eaten. Oh and the time as well. This enabled him to see if there was any clear links between my mood, physical symptoms and anything i was doing or eating. at the time this enabled a diagnosis of IBS and anxiety/depression.

Also, i think you should change your signature. If you don't think you will survive the week you won't. Maybe change it to: I will survive the week...every week!

Hope you feel better soon.

12-09-12, 22:52
You know exactly what you shouldn't be doing, you need to be really strict with yourself and stay away from the internet all together. Stop temptation and get a hobby, getting a hobby was the best thing I ever did! I still have my HA but for the last several monthes my moto in life has been 'if it happens it happens I will deal with it then' and I swear by it. Also I suffer with ibs and your symtoms sound so famililiar :) xx

anxious owl
13-09-12, 16:47
Hi Jim,
for reassurance these new symptoms only seem to have been happening for a short period and the onset seems rather fast. Sound more likely to be digestive.

Although symptoms were different for me I had excessive worry something I found on myself earlier this year. I had pain which I knew what preexisting condition was the likely however having found something else I started to put two and two together. Which made me sick of the idea of cancer. And ultrasound confirmed other wise. With most of these things at a stretch the symptoms could mean anything.

I know its it might be difficult but wait a few days. If the pain should reduce, proving it was just a short lived little stomach issue.

13-09-12, 18:31
Worms can cause tummy pain and weightloss.
Try getting some tablets in the chemist :)

13-09-12, 19:13
Worms can cause tummy pain and weightloss.
Try getting some tablets in the chemist :)

I wouldn't recommend taking anything else except what your GP advises - you're on medication already and stabs in the dark at diagnoses aren't going to help.

Good luck with your doctor's appointment tomorrow.


Anxiety Jim
13-09-12, 20:49
I wouldn't recommend taking anything else except what your GP advises - you're on medication already and stabs in the dark at diagnoses aren't going to help.

Good luck with your doctor's appointment tomorrow.


I'm taking enough medication as it is I think, I don't want to be taking any more in case it causes more symptoms.

Thanks Pip
