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View Full Version : anyone had a colonoscopy without sedation

12-09-12, 15:10
I am due to have thsi done soon to check out symptoms of diverticulosis etc. I said I dont want sedation as this is my fear-i fear anaestetic (2 bad episodes at dentist as a child)and certainly do not want to feel woozy-I like to know what is going on. However i have been told they will give me a muscle relaxant-I wonder if they can give me a pain killer or could i take my own or take buscopan to relax muscle.
Wondered how long it takes and if the cramping feeling is very bad when they pump the gas in-or can you feel the tube going around!
Not looking forward to the prep either as my pain worse when go toilet alot also when hungry! does the pep give bad pains?
Yikes nearly talking myself out of going even tho I know its important. I am 51 and get bad hot flushes too!-so if i get one of those at same time wont be good!

12-09-12, 15:20
I had a sigmoidoscopy without any sedation which is just for the lower part of the bowel. I also had on another occasion a colonoscopy but I had sedation for this. Not general anaethetic, just a sedative. There is very slight cramping when the gas is pumped in but I did not find it painful. I could not feel the tube going around at all and was able to watch it on the monitor. You will have a bit of a wind problem for a few hours after though!!:blush:

12-09-12, 15:27
i used to work as an endoscopy nurse. the muscle relaxant is called midazolam which is liquid form of valium given intra-venously. the painkiller varies from hospital we used to give pethidine or fentanyl swell. length of exam varies if it is full colonoscopy that can take up to 45mins if it sigmoidoscopy that will take 15mins. the test itself can be uncomfortable but not too painful, it can be the air that they pump in that can cause the pain. they will tell you to let it out i.e. fart (sorry) and please do as that ease the pain. dont take buscopan unless they advise you too. the prep is it powered sachets, take them until you are passing clear motion ie water.

hope this helps.

12-09-12, 15:33
You will be ok honestly I've had this done I'm a big baby when it comes to things like this. As Mark said its the air that us put into you that can cause cramps. Don't be embarrassed to push the wind back out as if you don't it can get uncomfortable

12-09-12, 15:41
That reminds me, I'm due my 5 yearly colonoscopy this year! I've been putting it off for ages though as I'm worried I'll have some kind of adverse reaction to the sedative, even though I've had it done twice before. But that was before my health anxiety started! I can't go through it without sedation though as the the cramps I get from the air being blown in are just too painful. Last time I screamed for more drugs! Last time I was lucky enough to have it done at a private hospital, I really don't want it done on the NHS as I hear too many horror stories and worried they might give me too much of the sedative and I'll never wake up!!

12-09-12, 15:47
Mark-is that the sedative then -the valium?
I do not want a sedative at all-I hoped they could just give me a tablet form of muscle relaxant and pain relief! It is a full colonoscopy-do you think the only pain then to expect is from the gas? I had a hysteroscopy to check out fibroids recently and this was without sedation-had but cramp in stomach due to the gas.Also can i take rehydration sachets with or after the prep to stop me getting bad migraine?

12-09-12, 15:48
hi joannas, i worked for the nhs and in all my time at the endoscopy unit. we never offered a colonoscopy with out sedation as that would unbearable. as for sedation, in my time i have never encountered anyone that was given too much sedation. we use to give 4mg midazolam which was enough to relax but not to anaesthetise... if you have had sedation before then 99.99999% you wont react this time, just make sure you inform them of any meds you are on. dont believe all the horror stories about the nhs......

12-09-12, 15:57
I had mine done in a NHS hospital, I was sedated for the colonoscopy and if I needed another I would be fine to go again. The sedative is not very strong...I was mildly aware of what was happening but felt no pain at all during the procedure and just has slight pain from the gas after (which goes when you let it out!). Please try not to worry about it, I am terrible for panicking and I got so anxious that they moved me up the list! After I wondered why I had worried so much it was no where near as bad as I had imagined it would be :)

12-09-12, 16:12
hi nigella, you can demand no sedation but honestly i would not attempt a colonoscopy with the sedation as it is a longish exam. the sedative is fine. all midazolam is is form of liquid benzo's, nothing to craggy and should be able to go home about an hour after. they may offer a painkiller, we did.

you should be ok with hydration salts, afterwards i would eat a light meals for 24hrs ie toast, omelettes etc as the prep will still be in your system. if you get my meaning

yea to have a good look at the bowel they pump in air to expand it that is what causes the discomfort...by expelling the air (i.e. passing wind) the bowel contracts. you will ahve a nurse sitting right by you offering support and comfort.

12-09-12, 16:35
Thank you Mark, that's made me feel better. I remember last time I was given a small dose and felt a bit sleepy but then the pain from the gas soon woke me up and they topped me up. I don't remember a thing after that! Just woke up in the recovery room, feeling drunk and talking complete nonsense to the doctor who came to check up on me. The nurse was really supportive though, I was holding her hand the whole time (that I was conscious) - it's funny what you do when you're scared like that!

12-09-12, 16:48
hi jonnas, glad to have helped put your mind at ease.....anytime

12-09-12, 18:02
Mark-is that the sedative then -the valium?
I do not want a sedative at all-I hoped they could just give me a tablet form of muscle relaxant and pain relief! It is a full colonoscopy-do you think the only pain then to expect is from the gas? I had a hysteroscopy to check out fibroids recently and this was without sedation-had but cramp in stomach due to the gas.Also can i take rehydration sachets with or after the prep to stop me getting bad migraine?

I have had sigmoidoscopies and colonoscopies without sedation and it is painful for me as I have Crohn's.

However, I had a hysteroscopy 3 weeks ago and I have never felt pain so bad before I nearly passed out!

So if you coped with that the colonoscopy will be a walk in the park :winks:

12-09-12, 18:19
How painful is the gas?
Thanks nIgela x

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

Hi I know you said you have crohns-they not sure what i have-so not sure if it will hurt or not! How did it feel for you when the gas went in?

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

Hi Bernie did you have sedation?
Nigela x

12-09-12, 18:26
Hi Nigela. It was a sigmoidoscopy I had and I didn't have sedation for that. I did have sedation for an endoscopy but it didn't work for me, I was fully alert and couldn't have it done as I was so scared, I have a bad gagging reflex.

Good luck you'll be ok

12-09-12, 18:50
It hurts when the gas goes in and when they try to get round the bends in the bowels.

I got really bad stomach cramps but it comes and goes so the pain isn't constant.

It is fascinating to watch on the screen though so that does take your mind off it a bit.

The worst has to be the prep day to be honest.

12-09-12, 19:48
I agree, the prep is the worst bit, being glued to the toilet for hours on end is no fun! The stuff tastes disgusting too, it was making me gag!

13-09-12, 15:18
It hurts when the gas goes in and when they try to get round the bends in the bowels.

I got really bad stomach cramps but it comes and goes so the pain isn't constant.

It is fascinating to watch on the screen though so that does take your mind off it a bit.

The worst has to be the prep day to be honest.
Sorry can I ask you again-did you have sedation with it?-how painful when it goes around the bends? -just crampy or worse?

13-09-12, 18:18
No I don't have sedation as that would freak me out more.

It is painful when it goes round the bend but remember that I have Crohn's so my bowels are red and inflammed anyway.

14-09-12, 12:44
My apt has come for Oct 1st. I must try to forget about it till then as this is making my stomach pain worse! There is two great big bags(2 litres!) of this moviprep stuff-one to be taken at 7pm and the other at 6am! I then have to go by car two hours to the hosp-so lets hope it has all finished! i will be so hungry! Then i dont have to be there till 11.45-so goodness knows how long it will be till they actually do it!

14-09-12, 20:26
My apt has come for Oct 1st. I must try to forget about it till then as this is making my stomach pain worse! There is two great big bags(2 litres!) of this moviprep stuff-one to be taken at 7pm and the other at 6am! I then have to go by car two hours to the hosp-so lets hope it has all finished! i will be so hungry! Then i dont have to be there till 11.45-so goodness knows how long it will be till they actually do it!
Do you think it may be wise to take a little less of this stuff as I only weigh 8 stone! I guess the same amount wold be given to a big man!-just a thought!

15-09-12, 03:11
Hi Nigela
I had a colonoscopy 2mths ago & was really scared my anxiety about taking meds would get in the way but I was fine. The centre i went to gives sedation unless you request otherwise, they also give buscopan if the bowel goes into spasm. The sedation & muscle relaxant are given intravenously so just one sharp prick & its over. I felt a little pain initially but then woke up in recovery 2hrs later, I dont remember anything about it. I went home after seeing the dr & getting my results & was fine. I did feel tired & didnt go to work the next day just slept it off. I was starving hungry though!

To be honest all my fears were unfounded. The preparation is unpleasant but if you make sure you drink plenty of water & follow the instructions to the letter you will be ok. I also suffer from migraine & was worried about dehydration but didnt get one.

I hope it goes well for you, it really is nothing to worry about. :):)

15-09-12, 11:37
Hi it s the fear of sedation I really won't have it unless absolutely necessary. It seems that people do have it without. Thanks help. It is th prep I'm fearing te most! Such a lot to take especially having to start with it again the next morning!

18-09-12, 11:47
Hi Nigela. It was a sigmoidoscopy I had and I didn't have sedation for that. I did have sedation for an endoscopy but it didn't work for me, I was fully alert and couldn't have it done as I was so scared, I have a bad gagging reflex.

Good luck you'll be ok
How did that feel please?

30-09-12, 18:22
30 mins till the prep starts yikes!

01-10-12, 08:29
Well the liquid wasn't as bad as I thought! As long as each gulp was followed by a mint and a swig of pop! just hope the effects wear off before the 2 hour drive! Feeling very shivery! And hungry despite all that liquid!

01-10-12, 08:42
Hi Hope it all goes well for you today :hugs::hugs:

01-10-12, 20:33
How you doing now Nigela, did you go for the sedation in the end??!

01-10-12, 20:46
Hi all yes went well-home at last. i was done last! However no sedation just a muscle relaxant/painkiller injection. It was the most painful thing I have ever had done! Hate to think what it would be like without the injection. guess people must get pain but dont remember it with sedation-you would never has disguised that amount of pain with sedation! I certainly wouldn't have gone to sleep! he says all folks' colons are different tho. he said the bends were very tight! you're telling me! all clear tho. He just thinks its the coeliac/dairy thing. plus endo adhesions etc causing the pain or a very sensitive gut! again no surprise there!
great relief
thanks for al your help and support folks.
Nigela x

01-10-12, 21:04
I found it very painful as well so you are not alone with that one and I didn't have sedation.

01-10-12, 21:20
Gosh yes not a thing you would want to go thru again! Mind you -peace of mind is great. Just as well the test doesn't last too long!

01-10-12, 22:02
I have had 3 sigmoidoscopy's and one partial colonoscopy so far lol

26-10-15, 14:29
I knew nothing about the treatment, the first I was aware of was when the dentist said it was all finished, must admit the rest of the day was a bit of a blur and I had to have someone come to the dentist to collect me but it was fine.