View Full Version : Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

12-09-12, 17:25
It seems to explain why I have tingling, numbness and lack of coordination (dexterity) in my left hand/arm. And an aching feeling, or repetitive strain injury.

I have been playing the Sims for long periods of times recently and started college.

This is a huge wait off my mind, I convinced myself it was something to do with my brain, but this seems like a much more obvious reasonable explanation.

Does anyone else have experience with this syndrome or can advise how to fix it?

12-09-12, 17:56
I am not sure if I have it or not !

I was diagnosed with it and had nerve conduction tests that said there was no nerve damage and the results were excellent so they said it was probalby CTS but then they gave me a hydrocortisone injection and it didn't work.

I still get numb arms/hands every night in bed.

I saw the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he said he isn't convinced it is that as he got me to do all these tests and the numbness and tingling never came on and he said it should if it was CTS.

I am back at the hospital next week seeing a metabolic bone disease consultant.

You can get wrists splints and try them or they can show you exercises that may help. Neither worked for me but you may be different.

12-09-12, 17:57
I'm interested in this also, because I work all the time in front of the computer and been having strange symptoms (numbness, some dexterity, aching/pain) mostly in my forearms.

12-09-12, 18:27
I love you for this Post !!!! I done the Phalens test thing and i got the exact symptoms

12-09-12, 19:12
What test is this?

Yeah I was SO relieved when I found out it's probably that :)

12-09-12, 19:44
Go to your GP Alice and ask the doc as there are tests they can do etc like I had

12-09-12, 21:48
I'll go ask the GP if I still have the symptoms.

I guess now that I'm less worried about this, if it goes away I'll know if it's just HA.

Hopefully this will be the last symptom.

Such a vicious cycle :(

13-09-12, 08:35
yes i have it in both wrists,am currently waiting for the op.for a definite diagnosis you have nerve conductivity test and then see ortho surgeon who will ask Qs and do a few more simple tests to complete diagnosis. at which point you go on waiting list... believe me when i say that
"tingling, numbness and lack of coordination (dexterity) in my left hand/arm." does not cover how painful it can get if it is left andso my advice would be to get it checked out,. Also to try and take a few breaks from clicking on mouse, games consul etc. hope it works well for you .

14-09-12, 14:08
I went to the DR's yesterday and described all my symptoms regarding my hand, he basically said it seems like a classic case of CTS. Very nice chap.

He said if it gets worse or painful to come back and I'd have to speak to a surgeon.

So I guess I'll just have to wait and see now.

I also got him to look at my tonsils, he said it's probably a case of glandular fever. Both my neck lymph nodes are swollen. He said just to wait it out and it should be fine. Definitely not cancer.

Good right?

25-10-12, 07:24
i have now had the op! fantastic so far -i was really scared about having it done ..... but it was so much easier than my brain said it would be.. just want to reassure anyone who this is offered to ,that it really is as your surgeon says and such a relief not to be in that constant pain.i am hoping my other wrist will be sorted as quickly as first one was.good old nhs!