View Full Version : Symptoms

12-09-12, 18:07
Sometimes i get one negative thought and my heart starts pounding i get sweaty, shaky, lightheaded, feeling like im not here, knot im my stomach, yawning, nervous feeling. All that from just one thought?

The thought doesnt even have to be that negative...can just be about common, not THAT important things. It's like my brain directly fires these symptoms. The more i try for the symptoms to stop the more i feel them. The only thing that helps is going on my laptop and trying to distract myself. What can i do. Anyone?

12-09-12, 23:20
I used to get this a lot and sometimes I still do...you just need to remember that they are thoughts and that is all they are if you get those feelings of lightheadedness etc ride it out and don't be afraid just remember its happened before and nothing bad happenend that time and its not going to happen this time either. Try not to dwell on it either almost accept it for what it is a feeling and although scary it will go. I hope you find your way of calming yourself I just thought I would share mine :)
Liz xx