View Full Version : Is an opticians eye test enough?

12-09-12, 20:57
Hi everyone, hope your all well

Ok so basically i noticed that my vision had been getting worse and more blurry. Up close i can see things fine but more then a metre or two away things get increasingly blurry, i now can barely read text on the tv screen. I also had been suffering with one pupil bigger than the other that would come and go every day or so.

I went to my doctor about this and they told me to go and get an eye test at an opticians. So i went and got my eyes tested. They said my eyes are ok apart from my distance vision is pretty bad. So i am short sighted. My right eye (the one that has the bigger pupil) is considerably worse than my left eye. Anyway the optician gave me perscription for glasses and said to come back in a year for another test. Apart from that he wrote a letter to give to my GP, that recommened i be referred to a Neuro-ophthalmology doctor just to be sure everthing was ok.

So i went back to my doctor and gave them the letter and guess what they wouldnt refer me however much i asked. They had a look at my eyes and said they look ok and react to light fine so they are ok.

I just wanted to ask if anyone knows, does what the optician looks at cover that my eyes are really ok? is and eye test enough? because my eyes seem to be getting worse by the day. Im not sure if its the Citalopram im on causing it, as i have read some people have blurry vision with Citalopram but thats usually down to dry eyes, which i dont have.

Apart from that im dizzy and lightheaded most of the time with a lot of brain fog.

Anxiety Jim
12-09-12, 21:59
Can you get a second opinion from another GP and show that GP the letter, and if s/he's not worried either maybe that could help ease any fears?

12-09-12, 22:08
Yeah your eye test should have checked the back of the eye and would have certainly picked up any problems :) Anxiety causes a lot of weird symptoms in vision.

Apparently it's the eyes focusing on the 'danger' in and preparing for action that causes this. Unfortunately our brains don't seem to realise there is no actual danger, i.e. a tiger to run away from. But the ingrained fight or flight reactions are still relevant.

12-09-12, 23:03
Thanks for the replys guys. yea i think i need an opinion of a different GP. Im not having a lot of anxiety right now so it shouldnt be anxiety causing the bad vision.

13-09-12, 09:43
Could it be old/lingering stress/anxiety? I know my problems came out when I felt I was coping well with a stressful situation.

15-10-12, 21:49
hi all ive decided to get some contact lenses for now as my eyes have not improved. My vision seems to be getting more blurry.

Thought id ask in here instead of creating a new thread.

What are the best contact lenses to buy? Where can i order decent ones online?