View Full Version : just need a chat really :)

12-09-12, 23:52
Hi everyone :)
I suffer with HA and although its been getting better and I'm learning more and more how to control it I'm struggling a bit, I can control my anxiety when I can rationalize the thoughts but this is different. Basically I have an abscess at the moment in my tooth and while I'm waiting to have it taken out my thought are turning to what if it spreads or I get blood poisening etc etc I'm taking my temperature a ridiculous amount of times a day its driving me mad. You see when the dentist said to me its a very bad infection I've taken that to be something serious you know? And when he says if you start feeling unwel seek urgent medical help, well what's unwell? Sometimes its just by how the drs/dentists say things that can scare us the most :( xx

14-09-12, 15:47
Hi Liz,

Have they given you some antibiotics to take in the mean time?

14-09-12, 16:00
I had the exact same problem as you last year, I had a really bad abcess in my bottom tooth that I'd had for years but it kinda came and went and I went through lots of antibiotics. I was TERRIFIED of blood poisoning and would even text my dentist (who is also my friend) at 3am because I was up panicing. He always told me that it's very rare for that to happen and stop worrying! Easier said than done. :) I ended up getting the tooth out and had no problems since. Trust me, when the tooth is gone and you're all healed up you'll think "what was I worried about?" :)

14-09-12, 16:29
I don't quite know what triggers my anxiety, I'm not a worrier, sometimes I worry about getting everything done. Family have said on numerous occasions that I am OCD with cleaning and folding, well all I think to myself is; If only they knew the rest of it. I continually count in my memory,twitch toes n fingers,teeth/jaw when I am counting mentally. I have lost track of the countless (no pun) times I have completely been overwhelmed with keeping up with the counting of words,letters,syllables,odds,evens and left and right numbers.( Sorry), even in conversation- I hate it, but once it starts I can't stop it til it just goes away and is satisfied somehow. I have regimes involving left,right and top and bottom when cleaning my teeth.