View Full Version : Hoilday Anxiety

31-07-06, 15:43
I am a new member, last week v difficult due in part to heat, no panic helped a lot.
Does anyone else suffer from holiday anxiety. If I go away I feel anxious before travelling than usually have a panic attack on arrival at destination feeling disassociation form surroundings and immediately want to go home. It usually passes once I have settled in my new environment., but I wish it would not happen. Any ideas

31-07-06, 16:28

Welcome to the forum. I am like you at times, I now can't go on a plane or a boat because my anxiety just hits the roof! I don't mind coaches or cars too much though. Am not sure what to suggest, perhaps when you arrive you could call a friend and have a little chat while you get used to your surroundings? It may make you feel a little more calmer.

x x