View Full Version : Has anyone ever had chills/shivers?

13-09-12, 15:51

I have had random shivers 4 times today! once because it was cold, and the others for no reason! It feels like body vibrations, and like when you urinate and you get chills after hot water leaves the body!

Are these random vibrations normal, or mini seizers?
they last for 1 second or least!

I know I had them in the past, but with My Anxiety up this week, I don't want to miss any symptoms of epilepsy? which I don't have!

13-09-12, 15:56
This happens to me a lot especially when I am most anxious. It has nothing to do with epilepsy which you KNOW you do not have!! and it is quite cold today...I have had to put my heating on...I think I missed summer somewhere! :hugs:

14-09-12, 15:05
Thank You :hugs:

I think there were a few hot days but not hot hot days lasting no longer than a week!

How have you been today? Hope You are feeling better!
I read that your daughter is in Hospital! and your 2 others have been not feeling well! Hope its nothing serious, and Hope All is well soon! :hugs:

14-09-12, 16:02
I get shivers all the time! I mostly find it if I'm sitting down for prolonged periods or something, it used to worry me because I'd think I was coming down with something but I've always just put it down to not moving around alot. It's harmless, but annoying. :)

14-09-12, 16:36
Hi My daughter is out of hospital now and they are all feeling better. I have had a few sleepless nights which makes my anxiety worse, so hoping I can sleep tonight. Thanks for asking OCD.SUX :hugs:

14-09-12, 19:37
Hi, when you're anxious your body goes into fight or flight mode. Your extremities (hands and feet) go cold because your body is drawing blood away from them towards your heart as it prepares to act. It thinks it needs to save its own life and needs all the blood and oxygen it can get for a short period of explosive and violent action.

If you get the shakes at the same time, this is the shock of adrenaline. Adrenaline increases our strength and aggression and our senses become sharper. That's why you feel somehow out of control: your body is preparing for an unusual and traumatic experience and you notice things that are beneath your usual level of consciousness (you suddenly start noticing and feeling them because every little detail can save your life). You will feel sick, shaky and weak for some time afterwards as your body tries to burn off the adrenaline. If you don't fight or flee, you don't burn the adrenaline off as effectively and you can feel quite shocking.

With anxiety disorders, we get these things happening because we unconsciously believe we're in serious danger. No matter how bad it feels, none of this stuff is harmful, it can just be distressing and takes some time to get over.