View Full Version : not coping well any advice

13-09-12, 16:37

not coping again today in melt down, racing thoughts, high anxiety dont know what to do with myself. cant concentrate thought one after another!!!

what do you guys do when your in a crisis and have simalar issues?

how do you get through the day I know we have to push are selves but sometimes thats harder than others I feel like I just what to sit here no appetite
at all need some reasurance and feeedback how others manage:weep:

13-09-12, 17:47
I find going for a walk, distracting myself like doing some shopping or talking to friends helps me when im bad. Also try doing something that normally makes you feel happy and contented like watching a comedy or something. Hope you feel better soon :D

13-09-12, 21:18
When you have heightened anxiety the worst thing you can do is rush around, this will only increase the adrenaline that is rushing around your body. If you are distracting yourself, try doing everything in slow motion to reduce your anxiety symptoms.