View Full Version : Fear of going crazy during a panic attack

13-09-12, 16:39
I haven't been back here for a while, been managing very well with the odd wobble.
I've had a really stressful time over the last 6 months and I think it's taken it's toll and I'm struggling with panic and intrusive thoughts.

I get a thought which makes me feel on edge, then my fingers and toes start to tingle, my heart thumps, I go boiling hot and start thinking I am going to lose it. I get the 'what if I was to......' thoughts and this combined with the adrenaline terrifies me. I have upped my anti depressant and have the odd diazepam to try and relax in the evening. I guess I just feel disheartened that it's back again.. But then I've got through it every time before and I will again..

Thank you for letting me share and for reading
X x

13-09-12, 17:29
I am feeling the same at the moment and have had a bad panic attack this afternoon. It was really scary, same symptoms as you but I know that no harm can come to me through it...like you say we have got through it before and can get through it again :hugs:

13-09-12, 17:38
You sound like your in the same boat as me. Yes the adrenaline mixed with the intrusive thoughts is deffinantly not the best feeling. Like you i go through bad times followed by good times and thats what I hold onto that this will pass.:)

13-09-12, 18:11
I had panic attacks and dp for 9 months back 4 years ago. That was before I decided to do something about it. After a really bad year so far. They are back. I have been put back on AD and currently riding out the side effects. So yes! We will get back there! I think my problem is sweeping things under the carpet. I suppress and don't address problems. Then it all comes back in the format of severe anxiety. Do any of you relate to this? After everything going. My nan passing away last month is what triggered all this again.

13-09-12, 18:16
Thanks for your replies. Totally relate loopylu. I felt as If I was coping with recent stressors really well, but all I was doing was keeping hectic busy so as not to think. Shod have stopped, sorted meds and diet and exercise. Oh well, live and learn x x