View Full Version : Brave Tears

31-07-06, 16:27

I have had this on my mind all week since returning from my vacation and decided to post.

While I was posing for pictures on yet another site near a waterfall high up in the moutains I saw a family of 6 with 4 young children from ages of a baby to probably 8. They were having their picture taken by their father and being posed to sit on a ledge facing the waterfall with a cliff below. The oldest was a boy who was terrified. Now this child (after my careful observation) was not terrified for himself but for his siblings. I'm also quite sure he was scared for himself but he was just scared silly that something was going to happen to his brothers and sisters. His mother was also in the picture holding the baby. His brother and sisters did not help matters by leaning backwards stating that they were going to fall teasing him. This poor child was in a state holding his hands on their backs trying to keep them from falling. His father kept trying to get him to smile for the camera. Finally, he bravely smiled through his tears. It just broke my heart. Then I realized, this is how I was as a child. See, I have always been scared of heights, always. My anxiety is nothing new I have had it since childhood. I saw myself in this child and it made me just want to reach out to him. I wanted to tell his parents to get him some help now so he wouldn't grow up into adulthood with this fear and still have it. Yes, I do things and face the fear but I still have it. Logically I know why I have a fear of heights as I fell from a 2-story building when I was 6 years old but that doesn't take the fear away.

I was not brave enough to interfere and talk to the parents, they were very patient with their child, I wish I had, but just didn't know how they would react. I guess I'm posting this because I've never seen myself before as I was as a child. It was quite sad to see, this little person who was a nervous wreck. I was lucky to have great parents who were also very patient and understanding with me and gave me unconditional love. I just wish that would have been enough to have rid me of this thing called anxiety.

I do wish to end this on a bright note, once the photo call was ended, he left with a happy face as I did on to happier moments :D !


"Our thoughts are our reality"

31-07-06, 16:51
Hi Belle.

Aww thats so sad. The poor boy and poor you! You fell from a 2 story building? Ouch! Well thats nice to know he left with a happy face! At least thats one good thing eh! Glad it ended ok and not with anyone falling backwards or something! [:O]

x x

31-07-06, 17:08
That made me sad - I too could picture myself as a little person afraid of lifts!

I am glad you said he went off with a happy face though :)

Perhaps having anxiety has made sure we are kinder more sensitive people than perhaps we might have been otherwise. So there are pluses to the minuses.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-07-06, 17:42
aww that poor little lad!!! and poor you too, must have been awful for you to see that :( im glad it ended well!!!

31-07-06, 17:58
Hey Laura,


Such a sad story hun. You must have felt awful. So glad the boy left with a smile. :)

Piglet, I agree, I think having anxiety definitely makes us more sensitive and understanding. Better human beings in alot of ways I think even tho to have anxiety is a pain.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs Laura and lickle boy)))))))))))))))))))))))))
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Take care,


31-07-06, 19:39
Thank you for sharing this story,

as a child my father was a joker, he loved to have fun (at any cost)

he used to play tricks on me alot,

he held me over a really really high drop until i screamed and then he laughed !
he used to push me into empty lifts when the doors were just about to close !

No wonder I am like I am !


31-07-06, 23:55
What a touching post Bel, hopefully now its all written down it will help.
Lovely to talk the other day, hope ribs are healing,.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-08-06, 03:44
Hi Lucy. Piglet, Worry, Lin and Alexis,

Thank you for responding. Yes I do feel better for speaking of this. Funny how so many of us have stories of similar things.

Mirry, so sorry to hear of your past. I know that what you went through was horrific and it must be contributing to your anxiety, just can't imagine what you had to go through! My thoughts are with you!


"Our thoughts are our reality"

01-08-06, 09:20
Aww Lauraaaaaaaaaaa,

I actually am glad that you could see yourself in that child. And what a truly brave soul he was because, you are too so brave. Sure ya have this thing called anxiety and your cute lil' quirky things that all of us on here share...BUT you saw yourself in that child...and at the end of it all he smiled....just like you have made many of us do!!! Be proud of what you saw because I am proud to have you as a friend.

Take Care of You,


01-08-06, 16:34
i agree with you tnt hun
she is a good friend

01-08-06, 19:55

Thank you for sharing your own fears with the rest of us. It was obvious that the situation you observed provoked more in you than just a concern for a child, though its comendable of you to think of the child. your right in another aspect as well, hindsight is a wonderful thing, if we could only go back and change some minor things in our life none of us would want this site. After reading that post im proud to say "hiya freind"


01-08-06, 20:52
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

Perhaps having anxiety has made sure we are kinder more sensitive people than perhaps we might have been otherwise. So there are pluses to the minuses.

Love Piglet xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 31 July 2006 : 18:08:23</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Bel,
Piglet's point is spot on.
The mere fact that you even noticed what was going on with this family proves that.
I wonder how many others up there were compassionate enough to actually observe or understand the boy's fears/reactions.
You're a star in my book!


05-08-06, 15:23
Hi Tina, Bell, Keith and Magz,

Thank you all for such overwhelming comments. I am also so lucky to have you all as friends.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

05-08-06, 17:27
I just thought id mention that im the same lately. Every kid i see who's being bullied by a brother or sister or when i hear the neighbour call their 4 year old an idiot for knocking a bucket over, it puts such an effect on me. I just wanna shout " stop calling him an idiot" they have no idea how all that negativity has an effecton a child. I saw a child forced to get out of a car and go into a neighbours house, when clearly she didnt want to go, she looked so shy and nervous, she was about 8 or so. And teachers! dont even get me started on teachers. They think they have all that power to make us feel weak and pathetic at school. only when youve left school a couple of years do you actually realise they have no right. I was once forced to mop the floor after a boy dropped paint in juniour school. It all adds up. and its sad to stand by and see.
Becci x