View Full Version : Weird pulling on my navel

13-09-12, 17:19
Hi all.
Does anyone have a weird pulling sensation in there belly button when they have gas? I couldnt stand up last night because of it. it felt like someone had a string and was pulling my belly button down to my privates when i was sat it was fine! and it went after a few passes on wind (tmi sorry):blush:

this morning i had a horrible burning pain in between my shoulder blades too, and i burp and it goes.. i just want to know what i can do to make it all go away!!! :(

13-09-12, 17:22
Yeah! I can relate to this I've had that last week and today..it's weird :P

13-09-12, 17:51
Terrible isnt it! last year when i had it, i rang nhs direct and they said get checked for a uti. I did and came back all clear, GP said it was gas, its so painful tho!

15-09-12, 16:38
That's what I thought I had too, I went the hospital and everything -_- such a pain in the back side! haha