View Full Version : Here as directed by GP

13-09-12, 18:03
Hello to everyone.

I am a total newbie to all this. I am here for some like-minded chat and support, and also if I can help any of you, then I certainly will.

So...what happens next?


13-09-12, 18:13
Hi MissyD

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-09-12, 18:21
Thank you so much. I am reading through a few items now.
I was directed here by my GP to help with my anxiety disorder. I have endured this plague- like illness/darkness/panic for as long as I can remember.

Looking forward to some positive help and support.
MissyD x

13-09-12, 18:28
Hi MissyD and:welcome: I am sure you will get lots of help and support. Anxiety is an awful thing and it is good to chat to others who understand and share coping strategies

13-09-12, 18:39
Hiya MissyD,


I am glad your GP sent you here as It is an excellent way to meet other people who suffer from anxiety and Panic. It has been a godsend to me knowing that there were others just the same as me and I have become good friends with many of them during my time here :)

I hope you find it just as Helpful

Emmz :flowers:

13-09-12, 18:55
Welcome :) What a supportive and forward-thinking GP you have!

13-09-12, 19:11
I am still reading through the information, and some posts that others have made. Does seem I'm not alone in having to put up with This for so long. Is there really a cure type thing? I do wonder if I will ever be Me again.
D x

13-09-12, 19:38
I am not sure there is ever a cure to it, but you do learn to cope with it and the more you do that the more all your symptoms fade away.....

I am just about anx free at the minute but I would not say I am cured as it is still there in the background although majority of the time I feel 'normal' (some on here would argue that I could never be normal lol)

eight days a week
13-09-12, 19:46
Welcome my friend.

I do not post much (can't right now) but can promise you - you are most certainly not alone :hugs:


14-09-12, 16:07
Thank you all and thanks for those kind words Eight Days A Week. Does this name mean you are a fan of The Beatles?

I am currently changing medication from Citalopram 20mg to Prozac 20mg...I have been signed as unfit for work for 4 weeks to allow for any problems with the change over. Is this the norm?
My GP has directed me to here which I do think is a very good move on his part, having changed GP practices twice already trying to be Understood.
I have a past of many horrible things and sometimes one cannot block them out. Which I believe I have done for many years.
I am a very proud single mum of 3 amazing kids. Grown up now, but still a massive part of my life, having 2 still living at home, who are a great help in everything n anything.
I'm sure if I didn't have these in my life I would of given in years ago. I have attempted suicide twice, but I do believe in my soul, that I am still needed here.x

Happy Friday to you all, if we sometimes don't feel it, I'm sure saying/typing it might help one of us.x

15-09-12, 13:36
Hi MissyD, I've just registered on here too not even half an hour ago :)

I have suffered from depression since I was 17, but I only went to my GP because of it 5months ago, I am 22 now. Had to deal with a lot these past few years for someone so young, but got an old head on my shoulders. I hope we can share our experiences and help each other get through.
I have been on citalopram for 5 months, i was on 10mg but my doctor put me on 20mg yesterday. I don't know whether to feel better about this or worse. How did you find citalopram?

15-09-12, 22:34
Welcome it's great to have more support