View Full Version : Heart Palps

13-09-12, 20:27
I am having really bad anxiety about my heart. Ever since i can remember i have had heart palps. I always thought it was nothing because everyone told me they were. But i had a really bad one this morning, and i started looking online and it freaked me out. I never went to the doctor for them. But I going tomorrow. I am so scared and missing university today, because im just so scared that my heart is just going to stop. I don't know what to do. Please help. Im very scared.

13-09-12, 20:56
DON'T LOOK ONLINE , Thats honestly the worst thing you could've done , if u are worried about them go and see your doctor . I get them all the time with my HA and the doctor gave me Beta Blockers which has stopped them . Dont Worry and Go and see your GP if you're concerned :)

13-09-12, 21:04
Hi there

Somewhere on this site there is some advice that when they happen, you should try to just think of them as you would a sneeze or a hiccup - you wouldn't dwell on either of those things. It's because its your heart that its so scary. I know this is easy said but I am battling my missed beats and anxiety at the moment so I know what you are going through. I am trying to trivialise my missed beats rather than catastrophise them and I think it is helping a bit - give it a try. x

15-09-12, 12:13
Keep hydrated, eat a banana a day (because it has potassium) and avoid caffeine at all costs!

Mr Brownstone
15-09-12, 19:04
Looking it up online is totally understandable but often not the best thing to do. Ive looked it up previously though, and the overwhelming general consensus ive read is that its nothing to worry about.

15-09-12, 19:12
I am 37 and have had palpitations for as long as i can remember because of anxiety, i am still here, they are your body going in to the flight or fight response to anxiety, your mind has told your body that there is a danger so your body is reacting to it...this is a good thing as it prepares your body for the danger that it thinks you have encountered, your body is acting how it should....its just heart hiccups :)